Also, last night in his speech he described how the doctor said the ear bleeds a lot. None on his hand. None on the white cuff of his sleeve. Even as he drops to the ground after covering his ear, his hand is momentarily visible... no blood.
I am not positing a theory. I am asking about what looks like an inconsistency.
From a comment on another post:
In my opinion the following is definitive proof that this wasn't staged...
Look at this sequence of three rapid-fire high-definition pictures taken right at the moment the bullet struck his ear.
(The first of these photos is the one that 'captures the bullet in mid-air'.)
Notice this:
In the first picture, his hand is clean. In the second, he reaches for his ear. In the third, his hand is bloodied.
This sequence all happens in a fraction of a second. There's no time to 'pop a blood packet'.
Also, where would the blood packet be? There is no 'blood packet' in his hand (you can see an empty hand in pic #1), and there is no way that a blood packet was 'taped behind his ear' (it would have easily been spotted prior to the shooting - there were lots of hi-def cameras on that man).
Something definitively 'ripped through his ear' during that photo sequence.
Thanks. There is some blood. Not a ton. Last night in his speech he really poured it on thick about how much blood there was. So that got me thinking. I hadn't seen these photos before.
"Last night in his speech ..."
he was in the car for a while. lotta blood woulda come then:
the ears are essentially blood bags:
think about when you see someone embarrassed and how quickly the ears go red.
Nah, blood would have started very quickly. He was on stage for long enough. I personally think there wasn't as much blood as he made it sound. But I am not blaming him. The guy got shot!