posted ago by skf93 ago by skf93 +43 / -0

I recently did a post were I explained why I think they were trying to take Trump out before the RNC convention so Haley could clame she had the next most delegates and she would become the nominee. However, I just listened to an episode of timcastirl were it was speculated that Pompeo was suppose to be her VP. The reason is basically because there was rumors that Pompeo was going around and telling delegates that he would be VP. This is odd because Pompeo was never even being talked about as being one of Trumps candidates for VP. Trump wasnt suppose to make it to the convention. They were going to put in Haley and, if this rumor is true, Pompeo as her vp. Now they ha e to scramble since Trump picked the maga candidate Vance as his VP. Anyways, here is a link to the episode. Unfortunately, don't know the timestamp.
