FLHouse01 4 points ago +4 / -0

Oh man, you were duped too. You didn't do any homework yourself. There are only 4000 Federal Marshalls in the service.

The fence is going up, and the extra manpower of NYPD is being deputized as Capitol police were for Bibi's visit. They expected mass riots from the Palenstune folk. This was easy to figure out.

FLHouse01 0 points ago +1 / -1

Don't hang your hat on this. She was made VP which has the same requirements and no one said shit or stopped her. Why would they now?

FLHouse01 2 points ago +2 / -0

She doesn't need to be threatened. Her department was in on the plot. This is CYA and plausible deniability. Her story now can't conflict with the story the FBI declares as the gospel. This is classic government behavior.

FLHouse01 1 point ago +1 / -0

She is trying to deflect calls and focus on her bad behavior. I would bet her PR people are behind this.

FLHouse01 4 points ago +4 / -0

Stop listening to these people's speculative BS only meant to get clicks for $$.

FLHouse01 4 points ago +4 / -0

Roof Gun is 1. Sniper who took him out is 2 and 3rd gun is probably from the water tower

FLHouse01 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep. Report the post.

FLHouse01 1 point ago +1 / -0

I reject your challenge. His words from the recent past should matter. He just didn't say he was anti Trump once, but multiple times. Then he realizes Trump was a good Preaident. He come from my home state which the GOP is the definition of Swampr He was willing to play the game and be anti-Trump when it looked like Trump had a low chance of securing the nomination. He wasn't a vocal Trump won 2020 guy. His reason for being a never Trumper was that he thought Trump was not serious. That all smells to me. When we have people like Sarah Huckabee Sanders who is always been loyal to Trump, delivered for Arkansas, and would help secure votes with a demographic he needs a boost in nationwide.

FLHouse01 4 points ago +4 / -0

Vance doesn't have a district. He is a US Senator. The whole state of Ohio is his "district". I like Vance outside his rhetoric towards POTUS.

FLHouse01 2 points ago +4 / -2

Duh. Did you even read the 30 some words I wrote?

FLHouse01 4 points ago +4 / -0

They have to keep the sheep asleep. Play the game of we can't hack into your phones. This is the first event where citizens were filming everything and everywhere. The Uniparty will keep details and the narrative close to the chest until they know what lies they can issue without instantly being declared and shown a liar via citizen video.

FLHouse01 4 points ago +5 / -1

My observation has been the 2 females on stage and around the SUV. Completely incapable of doing their job during a crisis

FLHouse01 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yea but we don't need provocative. We need unity againt the Uniparty.

FLHouse01 13 points ago +17 / -4

Flat earth is silly as he'll, along with the firmament BS. One word brings that to a crash....meteors. How do meteors make it through the barrier but we can't? Come on man?!

FLHouse01 21 points ago +21 / -0

To show that Trump is Trumo 24/7. It's no act. He is smart and foul mouthed with consistency. Be clear he knew he was being taped and knew knew that Putin and Xi would hear about it. Dems think this makes him look like dick and un Presidentential.

FLHouse01 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thank God smarter people than us are running the Plan because the limited thinking that gets put on display is mind blowing. Just enjoy the show and relax. Barry isn't coming back, he's going to run to Kenya. They aren't switching out Joe all easy peasy like they make the public think. They are stuck with the Sniffer in Chief.


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