You write very well with nice thought out ideas. I appreciate the time you've spent constructing your reply. To a point I agree with your sentiments, it is wrong in the eyes of the law, but if you take the law out of the equation then it's a hormone driven guy who just won the jackpot. On the other side is it were a 17 YO girl, as a father I'd probably take to offender out back for some up close and personal justice. We protect the women, while the boys have to endure hardships so they can learn how to defend the girls. Thanks for your reply, fren.
You write very well with nice thought out ideas. I appreciate the time you've spent constructing your reply. To a point I agree with your sentiments, it is wrong in the eyes of the law, but if you take the law out of the equation then it's a hormone driven guy who just won the jackpot. On the other side is it were a 17 YO girl, as a father I'd probably take to offender out back for some up close and personal justice. We protect the women, while the boys have to endure hardships so they can learn how to defend the girls. Thanks for your reply, fren.