Excerpt from the address by the Pres. of Burkina Faso Capt. Ibrahim Traoré to the active forces of the nation, Ouagadougou, July 11, 2024. It has been a LONG time since my sense of the collective unconscious was crushed and GROUND TO ABSOLUTE DUST like this. Every frog, spread this, far and wide!
I've already pointed out that light will refract in the NORMAL atmosphere enough to show us the solar disk when the sun is already below the horizon. And that this refraction is a fact of practice at radar wavelengths. You are not doing half a kilometer of "curvature" (whatever you mean by it) in a laboratory.
The atmosphere can do these kinds of things. Remember mirages? They can make visible things that are far over the horizon.
These are worthless "proofs." The Earth is so large, the "normal" terrain is "flat" insofar as it makes any difference for daily activities. Ships still sail over the horizon hull first, and lastly the mast. Circumnavigation is a fact of life.
Laser beams follow a straight line. They don't bend with your alleged curvature of the earth. They don't hide behind bulges. One should not be able to see a laser source 40km at the same altitude of there is curvature but we can. You can throw up all of the unproven theories you like for why we can see laser beams around corners without abnormal manipulation but they're subjective with no empirical basis. These observations are empirical. Seeing mountains in full view hundreds of kilometres away from a plane via infrared which should be completely hidden the "bulge" is further empirical evidence that you simply can't explain away through claims of refraction.
Light beams follow a straight line...unless they are refracted. I happen to know this. I was involved in the design and analysis of laser weapons and their beam propagation. I'm trying to help you learn something. The refractive index gradient of the atmosphere is natural, not "abnormal."
You throw other claims around, but you do not explain what you are trying to say. What mountain or plane? How high are each, and how far apart? And where is any of this documented?
They aren't refracted because the earth is flat. Proven by long distance infrared imaging unaffected by muh refraction and not hidden by any imaginary curvature.
There is refraction. It is encountered all the time in long-distance radar, as well as infrared and visible light. The astronomers know the images of the setting and rising suns are refracted. (The sun is in view more than its fair share in the daytime on account of this.) There are famous mirage effects, which are refractive, being able to see considerable distances beyond the horizon. I'm just referring to facts. Just because you have stumbled into some of these phenomena doesn't mean they are not there.
Besides which, the Earth is not flat, has never been, and has been properly understood to be a globe for some 600 years or so. You really need to catch up with Magellan, sea and air navigation, and space travel. Also catch up on optics and refraction. Your statements about lasers indicate you do not really understand what makes them special, but are indulging in popular mythology.