This board is presumably dedicated to the study and understanding that Trump and the military are waging a century long war against multiple international criminal cabals, including Masonry, the Papacy, and Kabbalah Faggotry.
Simultaneously, Trump is operating the longest and most complicated STING OPERATION in history. A counter-intelligence operation and world-wide communist purge is also happening concurrently.
This is being done with sophisticated military planning and logistical support. During the deployment of data-centers that are analyzing almost incomprehensible volumes of information.
Total Information Awareness and narrative dissemination being deployed via military-controlled social media platforms under Patriot control.
While Patriots stage and manage law-fare against Trump in a way that will boomerang and take out his persecutors. He is rallying the autism community to his cause, creating an army of neurodivergent malcontents to wage memetic war against the Synagogue of Satan.
We are fighting to the death against Mystery Babylon. An anti-Christ, perhaps even the final anti-Christ, is being battered so severely that he will ultimately go Rev 17:17 and have to destroy his own Whore.
And yet people on this board think that somehow Trump got hoodwinked by midget Secret Service dykes. No way. How do anons think Trump exposed himself to assassination like a retarded pig that stumbled haphazardly into a Honey-baked Ham store?
People, Trump is literally being supported by Wizards and Warlocks. He was chosen in part for his carnival barker voice and kayfabe skills. He just had Hulk Hogan introduce him. He got ‘shot’ while Q jester Vincent Fusca stood behind him. I half expected Juan O’Savin to do CPR on Trump.
Please, anons. Focus.
Trump doesn’t make spelling errors and his punctuation is intentional. If a word is misspelled it’s on purpose. Trump times his posts to the millisecond. He even posted once at a specific time to bait an assassination attempt from a submarine and he was saved by top secret anti-missile technology.
And I’m convinced that bots are on this site because there is no way 90% of the anons on this site are having trouble understanding that Trump didn’t come close to getting shot.
It’s a sting operation. White Hats entrapped retarded politicians, took their money, shot a few bad guys, deployed narratives intended to cause long term cognitive dissonance, and now the Deep State has to scramble to make their next move.
Thank you, that is all.
Going to sleep, I'll respond tomorrow, remind me