A current, stickied post on GAW offers the viewpoint that, based on the OP's understanding/view of the Q operation and everything behind it, that the so-called assassination attempt on Donald J. Trump on July 13 was in fact, a psyop.
I disagree with that viewpoint. This post is an attempt to articulate why. It is also an attempt to describe how I view the often quoted factor of "Patriots In Control", and how I incorporate that into my perspective on the larger picture, i.e. God's purpose for the United States and humanity, and how God's plan is advanced via a cooperation between God and us (or perhaps better expressed, our cooperation with God).
The Spiritual Dimension
The perspective offered in the post "Anon Basic Training" , much of which I agree with, needs to be tempered with a few things, in my opinion, as follows:
Matt 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Here is the thing. There are limits to human ability. And, in my view, what we are observing, what we are experiencing, the Great Awakening, is ultimately a spiritual war, playing out on the material plane.
The forces behind the Cabal are essentially spiritual. It is evil at its core, the material manifestation of the Satanic force that has, since the dawn of history, held human beings enslaved. The Cabal, the Deep State, etc, are the core instruments of that Satanic force. They use satanic methods to destroy people, destroy any semblance of connection with God, by corrupting them, enslaving them and then using them to populate the entire structure and system of the Satanic Cabal.
The White Hats, as we call them, are also instruments. They are human beings, individuals and groups, and organizations, who are loyal to goodness and the principles that God has slowly been educating the enslaved human race of since the first human ancestors fell in to corruption and ignorance.
The pinnacle, so far, on the world stage, of that process of God's salvation providence, which has the ultimate goal of complete and full liberation of humanity, both spiritually AND physically, was the birth and establishment of the United States of America, founded on the best and highest of God-centered values and principles, such as law, justice, freedom and truth.
Since it's founding, Satanic forces have been striving to undermine and destroy the United States, which was founded as God's champion on the international stage, on the level of a nation, as a guide and pointer towards God's hope for ALL nations and ALL humanity. Not perfect, but the highest manifestation so far of God's ideal for HIS own universal nation, populated by his children finally freed from slavery of sin, spiritually AND physically.
From this perspective, the Great Awakening is a movement inspired and driven by God via Godly forces, including those wizards and warlocks and employing all the miraculous technologies that humanity possesses and which possess rightfully as heirs, as God's children.
The Limitations Of Human Ability
There are limitations to human ability, to human insight and human control. When Q writes "patriots in control" he does not mean that the Patriots control everything and all things. Because human beings do not control Satan.
As human beings, as God's children, when we unite with Christ, we can push back Satan, push him out, and push back on his influence, but we cannot control him. To some extent, the best that human beings can do in the here and now is control or seek to control the instruments of the Satanic spiritual force that lies behind all the plans that are opposed to God's vision and purpose for humanity.
So yes, the White Hats have worked, sacrificed and striven with all their effort to corner the Satanic instruments of Satan who have been working and living and plotting in THIS world. And, if Q is right, they have them cornered. And, I believe that Q is right. I believe that the Q operation and the rise of Donald Trump and the Awakening that is unfolding across the globe are God-inspired and God-driven.
They are the culmination of God's work in the modern era to restore the project of the United States and bring it to its intended (by God) ideal. Even though the US was created (by Godly men acting as God's instruments, as is ever the case) as the uppermost pinnacle of human civilization, manifesting via the Christian civilization founded in and rooted in the person of Christ, it has never yet reached its full potential and (I believe) the vision that God has for it, because from Day 1, Satan began to attack and harass and try to corrupt the US.
And all through the history of the United States, like a microcosm of the history of humanity, God has been strengthening, reinforcing, and fighting to preserve and uphold and inspire the United States - meaning the People of the United States - in the face of Satanic attack intending the opposite, to undermine, weaken and corrupt Gods' chosen champion on the world stage for this stage of His providence.
But Q and the Patriots do not control ALL. They do not control Satan. They do not decide the ultimate destiny. Who does? God and Christ.
So, despite the fact that Patriots are in control, this does not mean they control everything. It means that they control what is humanly possible to control. Yet Satan still works to undermine and infiltrate. And, if there is a spiritual foundation for that, in the hearts and minds and corruption of individuals and institutions, he will.
I do not believe that the assassination attempt on Donald Trump was staged, or orchestrated, or in any way un-genuine. Rather, I believe that, while Patriots are in control to the best of their ability and that the Beast that is the Satanic Cabal on earth is truly a cornered beast, Satan can still attack. Satan can still strike out, despite being cornered, and that is what happened on July the 13th and the days and weeks leading up to it. Failure of human character, infiltration of evil nature.
Cooperation Between God And Man
God's vision for humanity has always been a joint project. It has always been a vision of God and humanity united in oneness, cooperating together as Creator and Co-creators, to manifest the ideals of freedom, truth and transcendental love. Why else would God take so long to unfold his work and plead for us to harken to Him and listen?
The only way that Patriots (and wizards, and warlocks) are in control is because they are united, to the best of their ability, with the purpose and plan of God.
And sometimes, because of historical sin, God has to let Satan “take his shot”. Until every last claim of the satanic force over the material world is liquidated by humanity uniting with God both spiritually AND in this material realm, then Satan will try, beyond human control, to hurt, harm, maim and even destroy God's people.
In those moments, the ONLY thing that preserves human beings, God's children, is the power of God himself. And God can do such things BECAUSE he has unity from his children. When we turn to God, when we repent, when we cling to Him and do our utmost (even using military grade planning and executing the greatest sting operation in human history), then God can and does step in, to prevent Satan from accomplishing his satanic objectives, at certain pivotal points.
But also, make no mistake. Satan’s options are getting smaller and smaller, just as the moves that the satanic Cabal and deep state on earth are being reduced step by step.
"Control" and Game Theory
I fully believe and have a rock solid conviction that the Q operation is legitimate, that the patriots, as far as patriots can be, are "in control". I see that control as like the control that a Player in a game of chess has, NOT to decide what the opponent does, but to force moves, restrict options, and limit what the opponent can do and thereby achieve ultimate victory in the game.
And, if the Player is good enough, and has prepared enough, then indeed, the game is over before it began. BUT, how the game unfolds itself, exactly WHAT moves the opponent chooses, these are not all predetermined. Because the game itself is founded on the principle of freedom of choice.
And, in the great field of the world, each human being is both responsible and free to choose: to cling to God and be good, or to abandon God and become evil. (No disrespect intended to the Calvinists among us, but that's how I see it.)
The Cabal, the Deep State and the Satanic establishment are cornered. But Satan can and will still strike out. But, and this is critical to understand: every time that Satan or the Deep State, etc strike out (attack), they lose ground. They lose, every time.
In a real sense, the war has already been won, because the spiritual foundation for the victory is already complete. But how it plays out in the material realm, that is not unilaterally decided by one side or the other. The unfolding is decided by the forces involved. "Moves and Counter-moves". But because the spiritual foundation for victory is there, one side is advancing with expanding options, and the other side is diminishing with increasingly reduced options. Ultimately, one side will have NO options and the clean-up stage will engage.
But also, it's not as if there is a clear demarcation between the battle phase (expanding side vs diminishing side) and the clean-up. Rather, It starts out with the battle phase being the most central and pivotal, while the cleanup starts out and then proceeds to become the dominant work.
It was real.
In my view and conviction, the assassination attempt on Donald Trump was 100% real. It was a desperate, final attempt by satanic forces using what instruments they still have operating, to put an end to God's plan. They had to take the shot. They have so few options left, if any. But in taking the shot, in that attempt, they lost more ground than they ever did over the past few years.
If anyone looks in to the eyes of Donald Trump and doesn't see a changed man, then I think they have to look deeper. Donald Trump stood there and had his life hang on a thread as satanic forces attempted to steal it. His experience is genuine, his appreciation for God and what he has just lived through, profound. At least, that's what I see.
It didn't happen because he was "outwitted", and not because the patriots are 'not in control'. Rather, it happened because the patriots cannot control EVERYTHING. Ultimately, the war is between God and Satan and we are merely the instruments. Participants, yes, but we also choose who we allow work through us: God or Evil.
This is the aspect of the Great Awakening that I think the view expressed by the OP needs to take into account and be tempered with:
The war is real, and while we, and the White Hats, are doing all they can that is HUMANLY possible, in the end, it is only the Unity of God and Us that will defeat the enemy and bring the war to victorious conclusion. The hand of God was with DJT on that day, even as the hand of Evil stretched out as much power as it could, to even overcome all the work laid by the Patriots, the White Hats and the wizards and warlocks.
Not only did DJT dodge a bullet. We dodged a bullet, and humanity dodged a bullet. We were and are preserved only by the power of God, in the end. But while humbly relying on the blessing of our divine Creator, we are still responsible to do everything in our power, indeed as is our responsibility, to Fight, Fight, Fight and conquer and corner the satanic forces arrayed in the material world.
The assassination attempt was not a sign of the failure of the Patriotic forces, even though no doubt failures took place, allowing satanic instruments to work, whether it was a lone, stupid, brainwashed kid or a cabal of satanic evil persons in positions that allowed them to orchestrate an operation that put the life of the President elect in danger.
In the attempt, the Cabal lost so much. They lost so many people, people who once through DJT was a ratbag, or an oaf, but who only now are seeing that he is everything he has said he is.
Satan strikes, and God claims the victory. So it was at Calvary 2000 years ago, and so it has been all through human history since then, and so it was on July 13.
Our view of the Q operation needs to be tempered with some humility and awareness of the limitations of human effort. Only when we understand that the operation we are engaged in, including the Q operation, is a JOINT OPERATION between God and good people, against Satan and satanic people, can we correctly realize the full extent, hope and promise of the operation underway (which we are blessed to be a part of). “Pray for Strength. Pray for Guidance. Pray for America.” ~Q
That the Patriots do not control EVERYTHING, but only what is humanly possible. The rest, well, that's in God's control. "Read the Bible. God wins."
When DJT says "I only stand here by the power of almighty God" he is not lying and he is not spinning a narrative. He is telling the Truth.
At least, that's my view.
I believe it is important for anons to reconcile their understanding of the nature of the Q operation and "The Plan To Save The World" with an understanding of the spiritual nature of the war we are involved in.
Because the War is both spiritual AND material, or rather, a spiritual war being played out on the material plane, anons need to recognize the factors of free will, human choice, and the limitations of human ability. We also need to recognize that the work we are engaged in is a joint project between the Creator and Us, just as the satanic agenda is an operation orchestrated by spiritual forces using earthly instruments and slaves.
From my perspective, this viewpoint honors Q and the elements of Q that are clearly pointing towards a very real war requiring our effort (the words pray or praying are written in the Q drops some 39+ times), while also recognizing that the sting operation is real, that patriots have the upper hand and can limit, to a great extent, the damage and the harm that taking down the Cabal entails.
It's a balance. To some extent, the "Everything is a movie and being staged" are the Calvinists of the Anon movement. I think there is plenty of room for an alternative view.
Good explanation. This is what I believe.