Rep. Ron Johnson Drops Bombshell Preliminary Findings in Investigation into Attempted Assassination of President Trump — Here are the Details
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
Will his secondary findings include additional gunmen, not associated with local LE or SS? Like water tower guy? And didn't somebody do a sound analysis that indicates 3 different firearms discharging, and from 3 different locations? One from inside Crooks' building?
Don't you love how slow the government is to do things and catch on? Seems like these days, our world is blessed with citizens and patriots who figure shit out at lightning speed. I mean, the forensic analysis of this event just opens up more questions.
No matter what, though...there's simply no way for the SS to explain this epic failure away as anything other than a coordinated and planned attempt to end the Trump campaign and perform a ritual murder in front of the entire world. May as well admit it and get it over with. (as if)
And why did the shooter appear in a Blackrock commercial? Why did a blackrock company take out $12M worth of put options the day before on $DJT and Rumble?