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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
His wife is from the South India from a state called Andhra. This makes me feel less suspicious of her, since CIA typically operates in North India - Punjab, Kashmir, NE etc. Also South Indians are far less religious.
Only thing is that decades ago there was a Commie movement in India called Naxalites and they were active in certain areas in Andhra - not the ones the wikipedia says she hails from, but would be a dig if someone wants to find out if her parents were ever involved.
Being a vegan and being a vegetarian is entirely two different things. 75% of South Indians are vegetarians, and their kids in Australia routinely beat their Western counter parts. Definitely does not shrink the brain as long as you eat well rounded Indian diet. (Just for reference, my son's school which is purely based on a intelligence test contains 50% Indian kids and less than 5% Caucasian)
JD Vance didn't just say Trump was like Hitler. He did research after that to find out exactly why so many Whites liked Trump, and he came up with the understanding that rural Americans had been completely marginalized by the Elites for decades and Trump was actually connecting with them.
He wrote the article (and book I think) that became the cornerstone of the theory why Hillary lost - because Democrats had been out of touch with America for decades - which became the mainstream view amongst normal liberals post 2016.
I think a person who starts with the extreme views and then does the research and learns the truth is far more truer to the cause than someone who happens to blindly believe in it.
JD Vance wrote a book called Hillbilly Elegy - his story is that he is literally a hillbilly. He is also extremely MAGA compared to most other possibilities being floated.
The fact that Trump picked a running partner who is a Hillbilly is a big F U to the Elites, esp after the assassination. It rubs the liberals really badly. Remember - these people are elitists and they look down on people like JDV, and seeing him as their VP really bothers them.
As for JDV's policy positions - its pretty much aligned with Trump's, but it doesn't matter. Trump is not going to tell him to do what he wants about anything. He will be expected to follow Trump's lead and be mentored for future.
The thing that is JD Vance's weakpoint that no one is talking about is that he has not been tested by fire - like Flynn and others who have been on the receiving end of the Cabal and prevailed. We have no idea how JDV will hold up when he is threatened. Also JDV does not strike terror to the Cabal.
A typical South Indian wife would be a liability here, because South Indians have very little risk tolerance and like to go with the flow.
I still think Trump has picked him as a placeholder. If Dems can change their ticket so late in the game, I am pretty sure Trump has some tricks up his sleeves. We might see him replace JDV with the real VP candidate - someone who strikes terror to the Cabal, like Flynn.
There are lots of moves before the elections and it will be fun to watch, but right now its really important for us to rally behind Trump's pick when we are on the digital battlefield, even if we all have (rightfully) atleast some misgivings.
TY. Really appreciate your perspective on both Vs & insight into his wife’s background.