At this point in time, our time is better spent fighting this war than debating these details, fren but when that time does come, it is very important that we are as ethical as possible for the sake of how history will look back at all this. (and also for the sake of those fools that still didn't wake up) Don't forget that the resources of their recently executed overlords will most likely be going to the victims & expenses. .
In other words would not need taxpayers funds for what the spoils of war would easily cover.
At this point in time, our time is better spent fighting this war than debating these details, fren but when that time does come, it is very important that we are as ethical as possible for the sake of how history will look back at all this. (and also for the sake of those fools that still didn't wake up) Don't forget that the resources of their recently executed overlords will most likely be going to the victims & expenses. .
In other words would not need taxpayers funds for what the spoils of war would easily cover.