Remember Q post 572 which read:
The Shot Heard Around the World / The Great Awakening / A week to Remember!
Consider what we've all witnessed in the last few weeks:
- 06/13 - 06/15 - G7 Summit - Joe behaves aberrantly, is widely made fun of, misses several events, is late to most and becomes the butt of jokes and humorous memes world-wide.
- 06/15 - DNC hosts huge Celebrity Fundraiser for Joe. He freezes onstage and is led off by Barack Obama like a forgetful grandpa. The video spurs concerns.
- 06/27 - First Presidential Debate hosted by CNN - An unexpected disaster for Joe, a victory for Trump. Even mainstream news is in shock at Joe's poor performance.
- 06/28 - Joe loses favor among his biggest supporters who withdraw donations unless Joe will agree to drop out of the race for President. Mainstream media continue to wring hands over Joe's 'sudden' poor performance and clearly declining mental faculties.
- 06/29 - Joe, Jill and Hunter isolate, stand firm and refuse request to withdraw. Joe won't leave the campaign. Hunter and Jill accompany Joe everywhere and attend all meetings, keeping a very small circle of advisors.
- 07/01 - DNC leadership ramps up call to encourage Joe to drop out - Joe angrily refuses.
- 07/05 - Joe has live televised interview with George Stephanopoulos. It doesn't go well, furthering calls for him to step down.
- 07/11 - At a NATO summit, Joe makes more gaffs, accidentally calling Pres. Trump his VP and calls Pres. Zelensky, Pres. Putin.
- 07/11 - Jill and Kamala announce impromptu, (suspiciously) last-minute visits to Pittsburgh, PA at exactly the same time Trump had planned his large outdoor rally on the 13th in Butler, PA 60 miles away. Secret Service and local police security must now cover three dignitaries at 3 different locations at the same time, leaving them stretched too thin. Jill demands a full motorcade for her arrival. Jill and Kamala are given first pick of Security personnel and Trump is given what is left over. Trump does not get his normal Secret Service team and instead gets DHS agents, many small females and one or two actual Secret Service agents for his rally. They do not send him the full requested security package deemed necessary for a large, outdoor event. Missing were dogs, drones, extra snipers, and sufficiently tall Secret Service agents, sending only the bare minimum. Locally conscripted volunteer police officers report that on the day of the event, the Secret Service security team members no-showed their meet-up orientation at the Trump rally location making it impossible to discuss logistics and coordination.
- 07/13 - For the first time ever, CNN arrives to live-stream a Trump rally in the early summer evening in Butler, PA at a local farm park. While bystanders watch, a young man climbs atop a nearby, unsecured roof with a rifle. Bystanders alert police but lack of coordinated response allows the shooter to engage in multiple shots taken at President Trump, hitting him. Attendees hear first 3 shots, then 5 more, then 1 shot, before Secret service claims 'The shooter is down'. The sounds of the ordinances are different and don't appear to be from the same gun or distance.
Pres. Trump barely misses having his brains blown out when his slight head turn leaves him with only an ear wound. 3 attendees also are shot, 2 critical, one dead. The secret service is roundly criticized for failure to act/secure and protect, leading theorists to suggest malice was involved or massively unacceptable incompetence.
- 07/13 - A photo of Trump's blood-streaked cheek and raised fist becomes an Iconic Image seen worldwide. His support is magnified and his courage lauded by even his detractors, causing some long-time opponents to vow to vote for him after this. His shouts of Fight! Fight! Fight! while being surrounded by secret service after being shot, become a new rallying cry.
- 07/13 - 07/14 - (and forward) - As eye witnesses reports become public and cell phone video recordings from rally attendees showing many angles of the event are posted in the days after, it becomes apparent that the 'lone gunman' theory given by Big Media may be false. Numerous patriotic researchers, pundits and individuals with technical, military, or past security experience scrutinize the available footage and audio, widely criticize the debacle and question many of the narratives being sold to the public.
The discussion amplifies the opinion that this was a Planned Coup by insiders, the dead shooter was likely 'A Patsy and a Distraction' and there were likely multiple shooters. The identity of the alleged 'shooter' reveals a young man with ties to the gigantic Black Rock corporation and its CEO. This smoking gun evidence rallies more Americans to question the veracity of Big Media, 3-Letter Agencies and the seriousness of it all. Even more come to support Trump. - 07/14 - Two Pittsburg PD motorcycle officers who had volunteered to work on July 13 security, arrived to participate in Trump's motorcade and subsequent rally. They jumped to action during the shooting, sustaining shrapnel wounds and carrying an injured Trump supporter to the medics. Later, these two Good Samaritans were chastised by the relatively new Pittsburg Police chief for working Trump's rally instead of Jill's event, stating they 'didn't have permission'. The two received transfers out of their precinct as punishment.
- 07/15 - 07/17 - RNC televised Convention - Huge outpouring of support and love for DJT, who arrives with a large bandage on his ear. Many in leadership praise him and throw their support behind him. Trump announces his pick for VP and proclaims it was God's hand that saved his life when he was shot. Wonderful memes are produced and posted on social media, including one with Archangel Michael in armor standing with Trump.
- 07/15 - Joe further pressured to drop out and threatened by Pelosi and others with the 25th Amendment. "We can do this the hard way or the easy way" was allegedly said by Nancy Pelosi.
- 07/16 - (and forward) - Joe begins making more short appearances to show that he is in fact, OK and vital. Jill (and assistants) make appearances here and there without Joe, and Jill seems to be quite excited to be at the podium.
- 07/17 - Joe attends a daytime rally in Las Vegas, shaking many supporter's hands. A few hours later, Joe suffers a severe Medical Emergency. It is kept hush-hush as he is airlifted at high speed back to Delaware. News Blackout on this event. One journalist on board said that the pilot flew Air Force One so fast the whole plane was shaking and they arrived back to their destination in record time.
- 07/17 - Joe's doctor announced Joe has 'tested positive for COVID', but 'should be fine'. Joe's calendar is wiped of all plans for upcoming days until further notice.
- 07/17 - 07/22 - Joe 'recovers at home' and is not seen in person or on video for 5 days, spurring concern. DNC leadership continues public and private pressure to drop out.
- 07/21 - A surprising posting on X/Twitter including a signed letter from Joe Biden at noon on a Sunday, announces publicly his withdrawal from the Presidential campaign. A second posting endorses Kamala for president.
- 07/21 - Joe's brother Frank allegedly tells CBS news that Joe's 'health' is a contributing issue in his withdrawal and implies that Joe is nearly on his deathbed. This statement stirs new concern and the question of stepping down from the presidency right now. Joe's staff respond that brother Frank is an alcoholic and hasn't seen Joe in two weeks, suggesting his opinion is meaningless.
- 07/21 - Tampa Bay Rays professional baseball team players show love for Trump by holding their hand to one ear and the other in a fist and shout, "Fight! Fight!" as they round the bases.
- 07/22 - Proof of life is demanded by some members of Congress as Joe's withdrawal letter signature appears forged, the letter was not on Presidential Letterhead and no video or imagery accompanied it. There is concern that Joe has not been seen for 5 days and that his withdrawal may be by coercion or signed by staff rather than by him and done without his knowledge. There is even speculation that Joe has passed away and they are not telling us in order for them to continue the status quo with Jill, Hunter and team running the show behind the scenes.
- 07/22 - Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu arrives in Washington and deplanes only to find no one of importance is there to meet him and his meeting w/ President Joe is cancelled. (Why did Joe's representatives not advise the Prime Minister of this change of plans before he flew out?)
- 07/22 - Live broadcast of Congressional hearings with Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle spans the majority of the day. Congress members grill her thoroughly for the disastrous failure at Trump's rally, her lack of providing adequate security for the event and chastise her pretense of ignorance, her lack of transparency and stonewalling on details. Demands are made for her resignation. Others threaten firing and suspicion increases as to what really happened and who was complicit. Democrat Congress members use this opportunity to again push gun control, especially against the AR-15, blaming the gun rather than the shooter.
- 07/23 - Jockeying begins to find Kamala's VP and Dem elites push to 'confirm' Kamala immediately as the Primary Winner without any other parties being considered. They want it done ahead of the upcoming DNC convention. Even so, other noteworthy Dems hint at running against her and even Hillary's name is being bandied about.
What do you think will happen in the next week?
At this point I would not be surprised at all if Biden resigns from the presidency next.