Feeling very emotional over this entire situation right now. What a complete embarrassment for this country...for women...
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Don’t take it so personally; I don’t. Women are bad leaders because they cannot enforce law. Because they cannot enforce law they should not create law.
That is logic; certainly the society I describe would be less likely to tolerate the type of man you elected to marry assuming he was fairly described.
You might not give up the right, but it may be taken from you at any time because you cannot defend it. Talk all you want, there are dudes in women’s sports.
I agree with other poster however, as it relates to taxes without representation; but more than that, we revert to constitutional pre 1913 rules.
Dudes in women's sports has nothing to do with me or my ability to think critically. And frankly, it is equally on the shoulders of men to fight it. Maybe more than 50% since you think men to be mentally superior to women. Smh