posted ago by tjramone ago by tjramone +21 / -0

I was feeling down and exhausted today, and in my prayers asking for God's help. Got a gentle nudge to listen to this song, which has always picked me up. Hope it helps all of my brothers and sisters in Christ this morning!


The lyric that always hits me right in the heart:

*... So get up, and answer, when you hear the call

Don't be afraid to walk, just because you're gonna fall.

A man is not defined by how he acts in good times, But rather how we shine through the dark skyline.

And continues to climb, up the highest incline If you stumble, stay humble, God will help you rise

Never do it your way, do it Yaweh.*

Note: I don't own the song, nor rights to it. Downloaded long ago, I believe this is performed by some of the members of DeepSpace5