Waking up is a process. give it time, sounds like she is beginning to see the truth.
The journey has been a difficult road to maneuver but we are getting there.
5:5 Mr President
I have been waiting for this glorious moment.
fantastic press secretary. she knows her stuff and doesn't pull any punches.
I agree the Republican house must step and call this out. Jefferies is calling for action, do not think it is anything but.
my sentiments exactly. GAW is the first thing I look for in the morning and last thing before bed.
not going anywhere.
Praise the Lord
the clowns are being replaced with common sense
these people seem to forget, they are government workers, in service to the people of this land paid by the taxpayers dollars. They are government servants. We have to go to work everyday to pay taxes so they can be paid. the people of the USA expect their employees to work to earn their pay.
too bad Not a legal citizen then go back to your family and home country.
I really wanted to believe he was a good guy but that ship has sailed.
McConnell is the personification of what a RINO is. He should just switch parties or better yet retire, I think he forgot he is supposed to represent the people of Kentucky as a Republican.
how many do you think refused phones, bank cards and welfare? Really, that is why most of them are here......for the free stuff.
think about the ones that are using litter boxes. LOL
I have a pump in my pond that will do the same thing and I am far from rich.
yes it is only stuff, but many times it is memories/mementos that can not be replaced. memories are priceless.
those with eyes to see, know what we saw and then we listened and there was no doubt.
Vivek is a private citizen and is entitled to his opinion. He is not in charge and will be gone if he strays the wrong way, same for Elon or anyone else. I trust President Trump to make the right decisions. He is in charge and knows way more than we do. Trust Trump and trust the plan, we have come a long way, lets not start fighting among ourselves. They want us divided. You do not have to agree with everything that is done but there is a reason. We are all only human.
Take note of who "peepers" is meeting with. Very interesting.