So what I think is happening is….isreal is paying the Palestine protestors, without them even knowing who is paying them. It’s Isreal you fucking twats! To cause trouble and try to start riots and be hated by all so that Isreal gets support from the npcs, commies and Fox News watchers. And all of our politicians who get paid by Isreal are in full support of this because they’re all criminals. So now we have to not only clean out our own house here in the US. We also have to clean out the demons in Isreal, with Putin and possibly xi. Trump is trying to tell the world that Isreal is the enemy. We will definately need help on this one and I hope Putin and xi and whoever else are in on it with trump and the hidden plan to take out Isreal.
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I started buying AMD at $8. Loss is on paper. Will rebound after the MMs accumulate enough at the lower price. They just rinse and repeat. No accountability from SEC.