Content creation and streaming is a big part of the plan for Truth Social.
If you think deeply about what is to come, there needs to be parallel commercial, economic, social and technological alternatives built before the switch can be turned off on the evil if our civilization is to avoid 50 years of chaos, after which control of the direction society travels will be impossible to control and all bets are off.
Elons starlink and starshield, Mike Lindells My Pillow with its blossoming product line, Gamestop and Ryan Cohens dream of an Amazon alternative and TMTGs move into streaming and content creation are all a part of this. Im sure there is much more. Trumps 10 new cities?????
Content creation and streaming is a big part of the plan for Truth Social.
If you think deeply about what is to come, there needs to be parallel commercial, economic, social and technological alternatives built before the switch can be turned off on the evil if our civilization is to avoid 50 years of chaos, after which control of the direction society travels will be impossible to control and all bets are off.
Elons starlink and starshield, Mike Lindells My Pillow with its blossoming product line, Gamestop and Ryan Cohens dream of an Amazon alternative and TMTGs move into streaming and content creation are all a part of this. Im sure there is much more. Trumps 10 new cities?????