"FRIENDS", in my opinion, was counterintelligence from its inception.
Coincidence? Mathematically improbable? 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
Tell me, what are the chances that a mainstream TV show would have a main, persistent character named "Rachel" (no surprise there) AND one named "Chandler" ??? 🤔🤔🤔
Did you grow up with any kids at school (before the show came out... because dumb mamas), named, "Chandler"??? No? What about ever heard of anyone with that as a first name from anywhere? Me neither. (California whack jobs with your non Christian names need not apply)
Light was shining on the evil, dark corners, basements and dungeons of Hollywood
👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻Rachel Chandler👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻
they had to SCRAMBLE QUICK to obfuscate anons ability to shed light on their wicked ways - and, again in my opinion, this TV show was created.
So in EXACTLY the same ways counterintelligence is being administered by using "Crooks" and them flaunting their power and mocking all of us - they made sure some twat named, "Cheat-le" was part of the theatrical production.
That's why for years, anytime you'd try to dig on "Rachel Chandler" in order to find out more about her "child-handler" role, and how it connects to Prince Andrew, Epstein, Maxwell and countless celebrities, you'd get literally THOUSANDS of search results all pointing to this show.
It's all perfectly deliberate - literally a counterintelligence operation by clowns, both on and off stage, running an op on YOU - covering for these satanic bastards with their secret handshakes, vile fetishes and cold dead hearts.
This is just one example....I could go on...
There isn't a quarry big enough for all the millstones we need...
"FRIENDS", in my opinion, was counterintelligence from its inception.
Coincidence? Mathematically improbable? 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
Tell me, what are the chances that a mainstream TV show would have a main, persistent character named "Rachel" (no surprise there) AND one named "Chandler" ??? 🤔🤔🤔
Did you grow up with any kids at school (before the show came out... because dumb mamas), named, "Chandler"??? No? What about ever heard of anyone with that as a first name from anywhere? Me neither. (California whack jobs with your non Christian names need not apply)
Light was shining on the evil, dark corners, basements and dungeons of Hollywood
👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻Rachel Chandler👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻
they had to SCRAMBLE QUICK to obfuscate anons ability to shed light on their wicked ways - and, again in my opinion, this TV show was created.
So in EXACTLY the same ways counterintelligence is being administered by using "Crooks" and them flaunting their power and mocking all of us - they made sure some twat named, "Cheat-le" was part of the theatrical production.
That's why for years, anytime you'd try to dig on "Rachel Chandler" in order to find out more about her "child-handler" role, and how it connects to Prince Andrew, Epstein, Maxwell and countless celebrities, you'd get literally THOUSANDS of search results all pointing to this show.
It's all perfectly deliberate - literally a counterintelligence operation by clowns, both on and off stage, running an op on YOU - covering for these satanic bastards with their secret handshakes, vile fetishes and cold dead hearts.
This is just one example....I could go on...
There isn't a quarry big enough for all the millstones we need...
Adreno - Chrome
Time to expose Hollyweird. Thank you for the links.
Since the FARM is involved it always comes back to leverage.
Thank you and you have a great weekend also.
Depends how much value places on real freedom. The wolf in the zoo lives the illusion of freedom. The wolf in the wild lives the reality of freedom.