Sniper used what type of ammo and what type of rifle from 150 yards?
Should not crooks be obliterated — like his head removed from his body? Why does it look like a .22 caliber hit him, but we see what the sniper had only 150 yards away.
Maybe the math is correct but I have wondered about it. Crooks was a little guy who appeared to eat only soy too.
Could not math prove one way or another?
Sniper used what type of ammo and what type of rifle from 150 yards?
Should not crooks be obliterated — like his head removed from his body? Why does it look like a .22 caliber hit him, but we see what the sniper had only 150 yards away.
Maybe the math is correct but I have wondered about it. Crooks was a little guy who appeared to eat only soy too.