posted ago by SuqamisLostPassport ago by SuqamisLostPassport +51 / -0

How did we get here? My unofficial understanding of the how and why.

This season of Arrested Development becomes increasingly unbelievable until normies realize that they are being punked. The theatricality will continue until the moral of the story is understood. It had to be this way. They must come to terms with the truth that they are stupid. They were hoodwinked. I suggest the movie Network for reference. Network (1976) is the backstop.

And this is the genius of what the Military has been doing the past 7 years. They have completely changed the government of the United States and the Intelligence community. But most haven’t realized anything has changed because the media and the Senators and Representatives are still playing the same stupid games. The status quo is a ruse. The Congressional deadlock is intentional, to protect the entrenched double-agents. Trump is purposely hamstringing himself, he is protecting his network of controlled opposition, helping them stay in power, so the electorate doesn’t understand what his final objective is: the Precipice.

There was a world-wide criminal syndicate. But the puppet masters, the head mobsters, the brains of the criminal operation were long ago arrested, put into submission, or forced to resign. The people currently maintaining Washington DC are inexperienced interns, retarded stroke victims, and double agents. At the operational level, it’s a theatrical farce and a well-directed reality show, a 7-year season of Arrested Development.

This can never happen again. And no going back to the old way. It must end with a farce, so people never desire to go back to enjoying the charade and propaganda.

The 2020 Election of Biden was orchestrated by Trump. If you voted for Trump you were probably furious that the poll workers in the swing states had not only stolen the election, but they stole it blatantly. Here is the funny part. Trump was the man who paid for Democrat operatives to manufacture and stuff ballots into drop boxes. Trump paid the mules. Trump paid Antifa to shred millions of Trump votes at 2 in the morning. Trump wanted to be out of the White House from 2020-2024. It was a sting operation, and the Military has been limiting Biden like a babysitter watches a mentally disable child.

Trump wanted the optics of being under criminal investigations. All the President’s Men, including but not limited to Mueller, Sessions, Wray, Rosenstein, both Durhams, Horowitz, and Comey, are pretending to be investigating Trump. Oh, and Jack Smith and Letitia James and the crazy woman with a cat named Vagina also alleged that Trump committed crimes and took him to court.

Somehow with all these people investigating him he is still not in jail. THIS IS A SEASON OF ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT and Trump is mocking you with something that is patently absurd and defies probability and reason. It’s not even well acted. It’s kayfabe. It’s Andy Kauffman vs. Jerry Lawler. Trump just had Hulk Hogan introduce him at the RNC convention. This is all a hysterical play that Trump is putting on. It’s the best and funniest show ever put on TV and most people can’t fathom what is going on.

Many people in the 1970s couldn’t understand why Andy Kauffman reading The Great Gatsby from start to finish was hysterical stand-up comedy. It’s because it’s unconventional, most people don’t understand that they are being punked, and few know how to respond. Do we walk out? Do we stay for the next 12 hours and listen to Andy Kauffman read The Great Gatsby from start to finish? And some did. In the 1970s some of the crowd stayed and listened to Kauffman read the entirety of The Great Gatsby, either because they enjoyed the joke, or they enjoyed the story, or out of respect. But they followed the narrative. The joke is that you get to see the confused looks on the faces of the audience members as they try and decide if they need to leave. This can’t be real, people think. He’s not going to go all the way with this joke. He’s going to put down the novel and start his stand-up routine.

The truth is, Trump has never been under actual criminal investigation, he has never been the target of a special prosecutor, he has never been in legal jeopardy. He just had stories put into the press about ridiculous legal issues, and his friends at Justice have never been earnestly trying to investigate him. These are show trials that benefit Trump. And Trump is just the lure to get your attention. You don’t see the fucking spear that just lanced your heart.

Trump has been Live Action Roleplaying the story of Briar Rabbit from Song of the South.

The magnitude of this revelation will take most people several days to process. It’s the ultimate demoralization operation. Trump proved elections are rigged in America, and he put his retarded friend Joe Biden into the White House. Trump made the media and the DNC eat a shit sandwich and tell everyone it was tasty. Trump is working his way down the chain, promoting every retard under Biden to take the stage so he can humiliate them, all of them.

This is not a game. Trump is simultaneously allowing the Military to carry out military tribunals. Sheila Jackson Lee was just legally and morally and ethically executed at Guantanamo military prison after being found guilty of treason. Some of what is going on is serious.

The military has a duty to protect the US population from all threats, both foreign and domestic. It has a responsibility to protect and adhere to the Constitution. The military has a duty to prevent treason, hold its members to oaths, retake territory held by the enemy, and carry out justice using tribunals.

The timing, scope, and whether you like the process or are even aware of the process is not up to you. The military is not required to tell you that they know the Capitol has been captured by the enemy through subversion, infiltration, and blackmail. The military is not required to give you status updates as to how their current Counter-Intelligence program is going. They miliary does not have to tell you that they went full Claude Lebel upon the entire world. The military doesn’t have to tell you that they are incorporating the plot of Arrested Development into their standard operating procedures. The military can even suppress the news of their victory. The military doesn’t have to tell you what it’s men can do upon the Bainbridge Fantail. And yet they have. That is the funny part. The military has been giving daily updates on WW III and most American’s don’t care or don’t believe it. Why suppress news of your own victory? Would you ever plan to win a war but never tell anyone?

Tenet movie? Did the Department of Defense operate the Disney animation studio during WWII? What does Posterity inherit? Is it ironic that sometimes a cannon doesn’t go boom?

Maybe win the war first and then you slowly start to tell people about it? Meanwhile keep the status quo. All things being equal.

Trump has told us that Joe Biden can’t be president. That we only have the illusion of democracy. You see, in a few months, people, including Democrats and Republicans, will find out that this Shitshow is an actual show, and that most of what has been going on is a hilariously acted episode of Arrested Development. Trump has been telling us all along that this is fake. Very fake. So, who can be mad at him?

First impressions? Do we judge people based upon how we first see them? Failure Theatre. Republican Politicians pretend to hold hearings, but they never actually pass legislation or do the right thing. Republicans never hold anyone in contempt of congress.

We have been in an abusive relationship with our government. The Russians never smiled during the cold war because there wasn’t anything to smile about, people who smiled were considered insane or hostile. Smiling was an act of aggression in Russia.

In a few months, it will be clearer to you what has been happening. A few things cloud your ability to comprehend what is going on. Your perception is correct. You are seeing things correctly.

We understand now that Mitt Romney never wanted to win the 2012 election. He wanted to lose to Obama. For Romney, Obama was an inspiration and visionary. Romney was rooting for Obama but ‘running’ against him.

In the month before the 2016 election, the FBI and Justice Department came up with an insurance policy, if Trump won, after the election, they force him out in a matter of months. The FBI gives this plan to Hillary Clinton. She has every reason to believe the FBI. But she shouldn’t have gone along with the FBI plan. It was a sting; she fell for a trap. This is the Russia narrative. Clinton and her fellow conspirators think Trump goes to jail in 2017, instead the FBI will arrest Clinton in 2024.

Hillary lost the 2016 election. She didn’t want to concede. Media reported the election was decided on election night. No path forward for Hillary. No recounts. No court challenges. She concedes the following morning after the election. Democrats were flabbergasted.

The Hillary Insurance policy was activated on 2016 election night, and a witch hunt was conducted by special prosecutor Robert Mueller from May 2017 to March 2019. But Mueller was protecting Trump. It’s an insurance policy for Trump. He’s getting testimony against Hillary, others. Mueller investigation isn’t sufficient to convict Trump.

Then, in 2020, Trump lost the election to vote fraud, primarily due to blatant criminal activity by the African Methodist Episcopalian network. Trump continues to be subject to further investigations and civil disputes.

Think about where everyone was in 2017. Republicans wanted investigations into Hillary and tax reform. Republicans had no idea how bad Election Fraud was, no idea about Gain of Function viruses and MRNA vaccines, had no idea that North Korea was completely controlled by the CIA, had no idea that Saudi Royal Family funded and operated Obama, had no idea that Taiwan is the home of the Chinese Communist Party, no idea that John McCain had created and was operating ISIS terror organization, had no idea Republicans were planning a Nuclear attack upon America via Iran. Had no idea that the CIA was operating IRAN, North Korea, ISIS, Ukraine. No one had a clue that the Uni-party was planning World War III.

In opposition to the war outlined in previous paragraph, Trump, Putin and Xi had been planning for a very long time to prevent WWIII. They completely upended the plans that the Republicans had for 2016. Trump destroed the political dynasties of Cheney, Bush, Romney, and McCain. He also destroyed the political dynasty of the Clintons. And Epstein, and Maxwell. And Weinstein's empire in Holywood.

In 2020, the CIA leaders of Iran all die of illness. Taiwan is locked down. China uses COVID protocol to purge communists from their government. Trump tricks the DNC into thinking that they are installing Biden when it is really Trump who wants Biden in White House. (The AME obeys what the CIA tell them to do, and Trump had a hostile takeover of the CIA, hence Trump put Biden in White House.)

Trump puts Biden into White House. Biden must take the political fallout of Trump’s deal with Xi.

Trump gives Bagram AFB and Afghanistan to China as down payment for future action required by China -- an October surprise in 2024. Trump gave China the nation of Afghanistan as proof of his co-operation. Just as China will soon act against the Communist leaders in Taiwan. Recall Trump and how he visited North Korea. In the same way, Xi will visit Taiwan. The Chinese Communist leaders live in Taiwan because they feel safer in Taiwan. Just like Hamas leaders don’t live in Gaza. Hamas leaders live in Qatar, because they feel safer there. Very few leaders live among the people they presumably represent. China has purged the Communists elements in mainland China, and the USA and China will soon invade Taiwan and kill the few remaining Chinese Communists that put China through 75 years of hell. Taiwan is an Orwellian nightmare that is jointly controlled by the CIA and Chinese communists. Taiwan is the Chinese Communist headquarters. The threat of destruction of the world’s supply of silicon is the dead man’s switch. Only, Taiwan is no longer a dead man’s switch.

Trump gives Federal Reserve and Ukraine to Putin. Many Americans have an incorrect perspective. Sanctions aren’t against Russia, Sanctions are against the Federal Reserve, to lock them out. NATO and CIA and FED were liquidated. So, what does Trump get in return for Bagram? What does Trump get in return for North Korea? What does Trump get in return for Taiwan? What does Trump get in return for Iran? What does Trump get in return for Saudi? What does Trump get in return for betraying NATO? Trump sold real estate for future favors.

The US Military bundled up North Korea, Afghanistan, Taiwan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Ukraine. Military then sold these CIA controlled military bases for pennies on the dollar to China, and made Biden take the political fallout. The military prosecuted and carried out capital punishment against John McCain and George H. W. Bush for treason. China has verified the deaths. Military is not playing a game. The military is ridiculing the traitors, mocking them, and punishing them. The military is doing it publicly, while carrying out Arrested Development skits. It’s a terrifying experience for the criminals who are facing justice, it’s disconcerting for most Americans trying to figure out what is going on. For those who know how to read between the lines, it is hysterical, cathartic, and an answer to decades of prayer. Soon you will see the confessions and trials. Soon you will have context and the whole story. But for the next three months, you either continue in ignorance, or you read between the lines.

The military will take point soon. Russia and China are going to work with United States Army Pacific (USARPAC) and General Charles A. Flynn. October Surprise. Managed, simulated sinking of an aircraft carrier, perhaps? Like Hunt for Red October but better than a Hollywood movie.

Whichever actress is running on the Democrat Party ticket this November, in a few days she will be crying and begging for China to stop sinking our Aircraft Carriers. Headlines and nightly news will tell the horrific details. The media will report that possibly thousands of dead sailors went down with the carrier. Trump will tear into Kamala, tell her she’s not capable of handling this war. She will sob on TV.

An hour later, the media will report that the Aircraft Carrier didn’t sink, but ran aground on a reef, and China came to the rescue. China will be celebrated for their compassion and bravery. But the election will be lost for Kamala, the Democrats will have no viable candidate for the 2024 election.

Whatever the October surprise is, it's massive.