If there was any doubt what the Lefties have really given us, it's self-loathing with a religious fervor.
Fuck that. I lived with self-loathing for years, and I do not claim that as my future. I have healed those parts of me and I'm not going back. America is probably the only place on earth where I could find healing.
So, no.... Fuck these God-damned lefties and their self-loathing, self-hatred, and self-immolation. Fuck their constant attempts to shove misery onto everyone else. Fuck their sick, insane ideas.
You want to go die off? You are encouraged to do so, and leave the world a more peaceful place for the rest of us.
Peter Breggin declared this decades ago on a radio show, I can't remember the name of the host (from SF) and lost his career, to some degree. I was in his group at the time, the International Society for Ethical Psychiatry and Psychology. It was anti-drug. He is still around, in his eighties, and has NEVER prescribed a drug to a patient. Or so I have believed. Never say never. He led the fight to end lobotomy in America, and succeeded. He saw liberalism for what it is in modern society: Mental aberration, pure and simple. Why? Because the causes it espouses all end in DEATH and extinction of humans.
If there was any doubt what the Lefties have really given us, it's self-loathing with a religious fervor.
Fuck that. I lived with self-loathing for years, and I do not claim that as my future. I have healed those parts of me and I'm not going back. America is probably the only place on earth where I could find healing.
So, no.... Fuck these God-damned lefties and their self-loathing, self-hatred, and self-immolation. Fuck their constant attempts to shove misery onto everyone else. Fuck their sick, insane ideas.
You want to go die off? You are encouraged to do so, and leave the world a more peaceful place for the rest of us.
This guy enjoyed it.
Peter Breggin declared this decades ago on a radio show, I can't remember the name of the host (from SF) and lost his career, to some degree. I was in his group at the time, the International Society for Ethical Psychiatry and Psychology. It was anti-drug. He is still around, in his eighties, and has NEVER prescribed a drug to a patient. Or so I have believed. Never say never. He led the fight to end lobotomy in America, and succeeded. He saw liberalism for what it is in modern society: Mental aberration, pure and simple. Why? Because the causes it espouses all end in DEATH and extinction of humans.
Kidding right? Deportation would be a MILD consequence!
Never bend for a friend or you'll get it in the end.