CONTEXT: There was an explosion of truth, knowledge, and technology in the post WW1 time period 1917-1929, especially after the traumatizing Russian Revolution and Civil War 1914-1922. The grassroots worldwide "truth movement" had to be stopped (by globalists) and this is the main reason for the 1929 market crash, worldwide depression, and then WW2. We very likely are seeing this same "algorithm" running again right now, for at least the second time (2017-2029, current), possibly the third (1817-1829, original).
From the archive search page of the item:
Because "Christianity" has become positively Christless! Not only do we not execute the commands of our SAVIOUR, but nearly all our Aryan so-called ruling class, and even clergy, seem to believe that HE was "wrong" and that they "are wiser ." They think that they must not be as full of "racial hatred" and "religious prejudice" as they imagine HE was (St. Johns VIII, 44) when HE condemned the scribes, whose criminal books called the Talmud are being followed by an entire race, which is killing us!
Best to replace all references of "Jews" with "Talmudists", "Satanists", or "Zionists" for accuracy to avoid denigration of the traditional Jewish religion (Torah).
PDF of "The Secret World Government Or The Hidden Hand" 1926:
Extracted from page 76. Describing how Rothschilds intentionally and maliciously were engaged in robbery to bankrupt small business to consolidate control of manufacturing in England in late 1700s.
Such was the situation when Amschel [Rothschild] found the moment was ripe and sent his third son Nathan to conquer England.
As Sir Thomas Buxton narrates, many English manufacturers sent in 1798 a man to Frankfort to offer their goods. The Rothschild trick consisted of keeping him a long time, and later giving him the hugest orders for Germany. In the meantime, Nathan [Rothschild] was sent to Manchester [by his father], where he bought all the available cotton and dye stuffs. When the representative returned to Manchester with orders, the manufacturers had to apply to Nathan [Rothschild] for these materials and he made them pay treble the price and even refused to sell the stuff, thus making them pay his father [Amschel Rothschild] enormous “damages” Then he took the cotton and dyes to some manufacturers and they manufactured the stuff for him at the lowest price. This base trick of Nathan’s ruined many people in Manchester. But it was the application of the Rothschildian motto:
“All for us — Rothschilds — nothing for anybody else.”
This legal robbery was repeated many times by them.
This plundering made Manchester very indignant.
Price rigging by buying up all available supply after signing contracts requiring others to buy and deliver the same products. And then selling those same products to those with the contracts at exorbitant prices or not at all (forced contract breach with "damages" referenced). And then using those same raw materials (denied to others) to produce at rock bottom prices to undercut all other producers. Market manipulation to bankrupt competitors, plain and simple.
Another interesting 1926 text recently discovered. I purchased a 1926 first edition off ebay as soon as I discovered it, and I will be reviewing it. "The Lost Books of THE BIBLE and the Forgotten Books of EDEN" by Anonymous (1926):
PDF: "Lost Books of the Bible, Illustrated" (360 pages, Library of Princeton Theological Seminary, stamped OCT 22 1926):
PDF: "Forgotten Books of Eden" (646 pages, School of Theology at Claremont):
Full search query (with all the links) in case above link has issues:
Search query that includes Second Rabbinic Bible (1524):
Thank you. I've tried too many times to tell people the Talmud is in no way Scriptural or Jewish. I never seem to be able to get it across to them. People seem to think of the Torah and the Talmud as going hand in hand.
They do not for all jews but for those that wish for a loophole to all biblical law