The first link “top” all the items for sale by that seller is shoes priced thousands of dollars. Other link the seller has multiple items for sale at regular prices like $25.00 and only one at the price over thousand.
On eBay, it is all about the location. With that said, the top one is located in Paducah, Texas, a town located about 250 miles northwest of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. The bottom item is located in Boston, and it is that Boston made famous for its history and sports teams.
The first link “top” all the items for sale by that seller is shoes priced thousands of dollars. Other link the seller has multiple items for sale at regular prices like $25.00 and only one at the price over thousand.
On eBay, it is all about the location. With that said, the top one is located in Paducah, Texas, a town located about 250 miles northwest of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. The bottom item is located in Boston, and it is that Boston made famous for its history and sports teams.