"Those people" suffered humiliation and drastic financial crisis brought on intentionally by the rest of the west post WWI. Add that debauchery of their youth was rampant as bad as is being done today or worse arguably. The democratic system had failed them and they needed a strong leader to reverse the course and make their country great again and their money sound. I dare say most of us in that situation would have wanted the same.
Annnnnd they leveraged the Hegelian dialectic to propagandize the public into supporting unnecessary war. Entire generation of young German boys and men, destroyed.
And the more you look into it, the less mysterious it is why Hitler and his goons sold the German volk on psy ops such as war is peace, self righteous ethnocentrism is universal brotherhood, authoritarian social controls serve reasoned and sustainable moral order, etc.
Because - inconvenient fact for the Nazi revisionists - both Hitler and Rudolf Hess were involved with the immediate precursor to Tavistock. Yeah, that Tavistock. British intelligence operations and social engineering projects suddenly directly connect to the triumphant rise of mustache man.
Nazi apologism?
These people supported authoritarianism. They'd gladly put you in jail for wrongthought.
Yes our history is full of lies, but let's keep some perspective.
"Those people" suffered humiliation and drastic financial crisis brought on intentionally by the rest of the west post WWI. Add that debauchery of their youth was rampant as bad as is being done today or worse arguably. The democratic system had failed them and they needed a strong leader to reverse the course and make their country great again and their money sound. I dare say most of us in that situation would have wanted the same.
Annnnnd they leveraged the Hegelian dialectic to propagandize the public into supporting unnecessary war. Entire generation of young German boys and men, destroyed.
And the more you look into it, the less mysterious it is why Hitler and his goons sold the German volk on psy ops such as war is peace, self righteous ethnocentrism is universal brotherhood, authoritarian social controls serve reasoned and sustainable moral order, etc.
Because - inconvenient fact for the Nazi revisionists - both Hitler and Rudolf Hess were involved with the immediate precursor to Tavistock. Yeah, that Tavistock. British intelligence operations and social engineering projects suddenly directly connect to the triumphant rise of mustache man.