Wow. After watching all of this, and then reading his notes about what happened afterward at the end of the clip, all I can say is God Damn what a Clusterfuck this was.
I don't think the operatives who planned and coordinated this had any notion that there would be his level of activity and peering eyes** when they planned this out.
Could we possibly say that another element that contributed to Trump's life being saved that day were these numerous watchful and attentive Patriots? I'd certainly like to credit them.
Perhaps they incorrectly assumed that when the event began, everyone would just be focused on Trump and they would have more time and space around the perimeter.
If I'm thinking like a libtard or a glowie, I see potential: they see Trump as a demagogue after all. Its possible that they misjudged the sheer number of folks who would be present outside and at further distance from the event after Trump took the stage.
Personally I have been wondering if the chaos around that building wasn't intentional to focus everyone's eyes that way while they set up the real killshot somewhere else.
Whatever the case its pretty obvious something went wrong. This footage of some angry douche attempting to clear the area outside the building just around an hour before the shots were fired seems to FURTHER SUGGEST that this was a coordinated set of events.So this guy walks around trying to shoo people off and just minutes later McLovin strolls up and jumps onto the building unseen?
Yeah, fuck off please.
Let's give thanks to this man and the other patriots who were on condition yellow, paying careful attention to what was happening around them and had the forethought and savvy to start recording when things started to get weird. Bravo you guys.
My theory agrees that [they] assumed no one would be on AGR's property to listen to Trump. I also think the shooter was Maxwell Yearick and he was a three letter asset that they thought would succeed and escape as the security there was supposed to not exist. I think they expected chaos to ensue with war breaking out and Crooks getting found and somehow killed off as a patsy. We'd be in an entirely different world right now if we all hadn't dodged that bullet.
Wow. After watching all of this, and then reading his notes about what happened afterward at the end of the clip, all I can say is God Damn what a Clusterfuck this was.
I don't think the operatives who planned and coordinated this had any notion that there would be his level of activity and peering eyes** when they planned this out.
Could we possibly say that another element that contributed to Trump's life being saved that day were these numerous watchful and attentive Patriots? I'd certainly like to credit them.
Perhaps they incorrectly assumed that when the event began, everyone would just be focused on Trump and they would have more time and space around the perimeter.
If I'm thinking like a libtard or a glowie, I see potential: they see Trump as a demagogue after all. Its possible that they misjudged the sheer number of folks who would be present outside and at further distance from the event after Trump took the stage.
Personally I have been wondering if the chaos around that building wasn't intentional to focus everyone's eyes that way while they set up the real killshot somewhere else.
Whatever the case its pretty obvious something went wrong. This footage of some angry douche attempting to clear the area outside the building just around an hour before the shots were fired seems to FURTHER SUGGEST that this was a coordinated set of events. So this guy walks around trying to shoo people off and just minutes later McLovin strolls up and jumps onto the building unseen?
Yeah, fuck off please.
Let's give thanks to this man and the other patriots who were on condition yellow, paying careful attention to what was happening around them and had the forethought and savvy to start recording when things started to get weird. Bravo you guys.
My theory agrees that [they] assumed no one would be on AGR's property to listen to Trump. I also think the shooter was Maxwell Yearick and he was a three letter asset that they thought would succeed and escape as the security there was supposed to not exist. I think they expected chaos to ensue with war breaking out and Crooks getting found and somehow killed off as a patsy. We'd be in an entirely different world right now if we all hadn't dodged that bullet.