294 George Webb actually found something real this time; Roger Yearick, father of Maxwell Yearick, knew the Cheneys (USSS Director Kimberly Cheatle was on Dick's security detail during 9/11) evidenced by this entry into the congressional record by Ms. Cheney in 2018. - Links in comments (media.greatawakening.win) posted 6 months ago by winn 6 months ago by winn +295 / -1 70 comments download share 70 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Please do. I've got illegal aliens to $upport with my tax dollars so I got to get busy.
will try and put something together. If you have any more links or infos plz send em my way.
I see some hits on win: https://communities.win/search?query=hinkley
I think I'll run with that sott. article. It's laid out pretty well. Ty, will credit!