This traitor to America; Q led us to know the day he was going to be buried! I am not a citizen of the US but I can see why some traitors need to be taken out viciously! After enjoying the fruits of the greatest nation on Earth, you have the audacity to sell your soul for money; against your country? I live in a country where if justice existed all politicians would have been shot for selling out their country! I stand alone, everyone else is fully asleep!
This traitor to America; Q led us to know the day he was going to be buried! I am not a citizen of the US but I can see why some traitors need to be taken out viciously! After enjoying the fruits of the greatest nation on Earth, you have the audacity to sell your soul for money; against your country? I live in a country where if justice existed all politicians would have been shot for selling out their country! I stand alone, everyone else is fully asleep!