They have it all! Two MS-13 members took him out! They were going to use their low rider but the agency thought is was a big giveaway to have a low rider driving into a high end neighborhood, so they used their agency's vehicle! Flagged on multiple cameras on the highway! The two killers eliminated in the desert! Many Democratic operatives at the hospital before Seth Rich arrived, still alive! Synopsis!
The powerful can make anything look short! Debeers hides millions of diamonds to give the impression of scarcity! Oil companies would rather pay for oil tankers to keep circling from port to port to not land that oil! Nothing is what it seems! Expand your thinking!
The globalists knew that their NWO plan would only work if cohesive societies were disrupted! They planned their infiltration! Different countries had different ways of thinking when it came to their religions, customs, etc! They knew that to achieve their objective they would need to push chaos! Simple, create disturbances through made up wars to cause people to leave their homeland and become refugees in societies with different norms! Think! In Arabic countries there is a natural tendency to host and feed the weary traveller! Their environment is harsh and people take care of each other! In the west, in general, people had the same principle! What the globalists capitalized on is that by formenting the mixing of our customs it would weaken us, thereby allowing them to come up with solutions that would inevitably lead to their world wide domination! Their plan was to achieve order through chaos, which they created! The world would have been fully controlled by powerful families! Patriots could not see the world burn and that's why this operation was necessary!
They are not unserious; they are criminals! In nearly all countries in the world only criminal minded people are allowed to run for office! This is no coincidence! This is by design! That was the world we lived in, until this operation, by Patriots, worldwide, was triggered! Note that politicians worldwide had powerful non elected masters pulling their strings and securing their allegiance by blackmail! Blackmail evidence that was created by the same puppet masters!
No Republican president has ever been elected that has the leverage of Trump! Many were cabal puppets just like the democrat cabal puppets! I am sure the world is about to change because no politician has been so threatening to their agenda that members of the government would out right lie!
NATO is the military industrial complex planners who plan their eternal wars! Michael Moore once stated this! Don't know if he was sincere or just trying to point out the obvious! Wars are meant to keep going! This is how these parasites keep their money flowing!
All EU leaders falling in line with exact posts, have people with sense questioning! I've been trying to wake up 10 people for the past 8 years! One has awoken fully, one has an inkling that something is amiss and the next 8 still sending me YouTube videos! I fully trust the US military and NCSWIC! I am trying to create a soft landing for those closest to me because most people on both sides of the spiritual war don't realize that social media is forever and this will define people in the future! Imagine your dad was against Trump! Q said peace is prize!
Imagine how, what we are currently experiencing, will look like to, future generations devoid of the brainwashing? Reminds me of Morpheus line, they believe the world they are presented with! Only difference is that they will experience centuries of peace! Once the deep state is vanquished, infiltration starts from scratch!
They will all clutch at straws! There annihilation is inevitable, we are witnessing their last chess moves on a 3D table while the Wizards and Warlocks play 5D Chess! They are appealing to those who know Chinese checkers!