I remember him not being let in CPAC ‘22 bc he didn’t have a ticket. He had driven down from Pennsylvania. I bought him a hotel room and dinner. He is an awesome guy. He sends me text on 4th of July and other holidays still. He sent me all of his social media accounts:
I remember him not being let in CPAC ‘22 bc he didn’t have a ticket. He had driven down from Pennsylvania. I bought him a hotel room and dinner. He is an awesome guy. He sends me text on 4th of July and other holidays still. He sent me all of his social media accounts:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/AeTwujTs5tsPbUmj/?mibextid=LQQJ4d
Twitter/x: https://x.com/fusca22
Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@Fusca_07_13_24
Rumble: https://rumble.com/ConserveTheNation
Great story and thank you for your kindness to him!
Thank you also for the links... I'm following him on everything except fb since I don't have an account there.
This is awesome Patriot. You made a wonderful choice for a true and direct Anon of Q.
You should make a post of that if you haven’t already. That would be great for people that want to learn more about him.
Man, then this one must be fake or abandoned:
Lots of fake accounts
Maybe just hasn't made/loaded a video in a while... here's the only one I could find: