posted ago by Slechta5614 ago by Slechta5614 +22 / -0

Heavenly Father, We come before You with hearts full of gratitude for Your unwavering love and boundless grace. We thank You for the gift of community and the strength we find in one another. Lord, as we gather together, we ask for Your presence to fill us, uniting us as one body in Christ. Empower us with Your Holy Spirit, that we may be a shining light in this world, reflecting Your love and compassion to all we encounter. Help us to support and uplift each other, to encourage and inspire, so that together we can achieve great things for Your glory.

Grant us the wisdom to discern Your will, the courage to follow Your path, and the perseverance to stay true to our calling. Let our actions speak louder than words, demonstrating Your love in tangible ways. May we be a force for good, bringing hope and healing to a hurting world. Lord, we pray that our unity will be a testament to Your greatness, drawing others to You. Use us God, to make a difference, to be Your hands and feet, and to spread the message of Your saving grace. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

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