posted ago by PaintingTruth17 ago by PaintingTruth17 +14 / -0

So what would you like to see under Trump AND what do you actually think will happen before he is done ?

Quick off top of my head example - I want all trans out of schools and gov, but in reality I don't think that will happen.

Obviously we have many great things headed our way, but as Trump often hints - " You can't always get what u want, but sometimes u get what u need ".

Q has told us " It must be done right. It must carry weight ". Well I believe there's mechanisms in place to stop us from getting some of the things we want. So in reality I see some things are just not gonna happen. Not being negative, just being realistic.

I could go on about the positive things I do believe will happen i.e. abolishing the Dept of Indoctrination, but leaving all of that for you guys to fill in. I'm sure you all will cover my wishlist if this thread gains any traction.

Wishlist vs Reality

Thanks for the time.