The Constituion essentially says that money is whatever Congress says it is: "Congress ahall have the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof. " Article 1 Section 8 Clause 5. I used to propose the idea of Congress minting 35 platinium coins denominated as $US 1 trillion each and parceling them off to each of the 12 Fed District Banks (now part of the Treasury thanks to Trump's action of merging the two in March 2020 – all while the media and the “Fedical’s” were distracting the public with the “shiny toy” of “two weeks to flatten the curve” bull shit)
Pay the whole debt off, like Jackson did, and repeal the Federal Reserve Act and end the central bank’s Charter.
– Then the Treasury issues debt-free, specie-backed currency, exchanging dollar for dollar Federal Reserve Notes printed by the Fed with United States Notes issued by the US Treasury --- no longer funding the Zionist bankers lust for debt and death, and their war-mongering whores funded by tne US Income Tax – the next thing to be abolished!!
A financially free system unseen since Jackson ended the Bank of the United States in 1836.
The Constituion essentially says that money is whatever Congress says it is: "Congress ahall have the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof. " Article 1 Section 8 Clause 5. I used to propose the idea of Congress minting 35 platinium coins denominated as $US 1 trillion each and parceling them off to each of the 12 Fed District Banks (now part of the Treasury thanks to Trump's action of merging the two in March 2020 – all while the media and the “Fedical’s” were distracting the public with the “shiny toy” of “two weeks to flatten the curve” bull shit)
Pay the whole debt off, like Jackson did, and repeal the Federal Reserve Act and end the central bank’s Charter.
– Then the Treasury issues debt-free, specie-backed currency, exchanging dollar for dollar Federal Reserve Notes printed by the Fed with United States Notes issued by the US Treasury --- no longer funding the Zionist bankers lust for debt and death, and their war-mongering whores funded by tne US Income Tax – the next thing to be abolished!!
A financially free system unseen since Jackson ended the Bank of the United States in 1836.