Apply your reasoning to any coin, or any product, for that matter.
Does your reasoning apply to may if not all matters? if so, then why would such reasoning be reason to shun a practical sollution?
For instance, would you accept a cheque? A paper dollar? A silver or Gold dollar coin? if so, why? or why not?
Do you have a bank account? Do you make use of online banking? If so, why would you loan your energy to a scam, a product created out of thin air, that represents: debt?
What would you do, if you could replace that with the advantage of portability and fungability, without dependency on a central controlling entity, whose only goal is to burden you with debt, steals your eneegy through inflation, and taxation. This is to just highlight one aspect.
It becomes clear, you do not comprehend what bitcoin is.
Apply your reasoning to any coin, or any product, for that matter.
Does your reasoning apply to may if not all matters? if so, then why would such reasoning be reason to shun a practical sollution?
For instance, would you accept a cheque? A paper dollar? A silver or Gold dollar coin? if so, why? or why not?
Do you have a bank account? Do you make use of online banking? If so, why would you loan your energy to a scam, a product created out of thin air, that represents: debt?
What would you do, if you could replace that with the advantage of portability and fungability, without dependency on a central controlling entity, whose only goal is to burden you with debt, steals your eneegy through inflation, and taxation. This is to just highlight one aspect.
It becomes clear, you do not comprehend what bitcoin is.