Waters is ON FIRE with Crushing Outrage upon todays SS Guilty News Conference
This whole collapse of Kamala and the SS is unreal.
The SS and the whole establishment is coming undone. Very Dangerous.
7/13 was a sting operation. This is a friggin Q board. Patriots are in control, they bait the retards to do clown shit, and the resulting fuck up and media circus draws attention so normies receive information they wouldn't accept otherwise. Trump and the Military couldn't have just arrested 400,000 people in 2017 and started executing Sheila Jackson Lee, John McCain, and the Queen of England, and the entire Rothschild family and Pope on live TV and invaded Israel. The Military had to slowly declass information, stage manage retarded behavior of the DNC, and catch the SS in treasonous action, and get the military to casually start up prosecution of the 911 conspirators after 20 years of inaction. It also had to reveal the Uni-party, Media bias, Epstein, Uranium One, Kennedy assassination, election fraud, Sandy Hook, Jewish Lightning, and reveal everything at the proper time.
Then the Military stages a giant Precipice to make all prior false flags look like wet farts.
The military isn't going to do a version of September 11th. The military isn't going to resort to carrying out a mass causality event, but the Military will soon set up a series of events that will surpass Pearl Harbor in shock value. Sometime in the next few months, every man, woman and child will wake up in the middle of the night and think the apocalypse is happening, and the response by the DNC and Biden admin will forever be imprinted in the minds of the American electorate. The response by Kamala (or whichever puppet is leading the DNC) will be so unacceptable and craven, she and her kind will not be able to walk down the street afterwards).
The military recently carried out a sting operation in Butler, PA that was inspired by two scenes from two movies.
This should have its own thread.
I tend to agree with you and I believe his brothers death, although super quick and quaint was a plastic surgeory job and he is who we see today on average. Big Dog is on lock down in a magic mountan vault somewhere. This is no joke and the world is at stake. Despite my Jesus deal, I would not complain about death at any moment dealing with this garbage. Can't Imagine big daddy Trumps mindset, this dude is epic. Don't even live spending his money EVER. Out here defending our asses, just unreal.
No one died in Butler PA, except a few CIA faggots that were equipped with toy guns and blanks. Corey C is alive and well or he was a suicide bomber that was neutralized but he sure as hell wasn't a MAGA fatality. It's all theatre and sting operations to catch and kill retarded clowns. Read the Q drops. The military kept Trump safe during the DMZ in Korea. Military protected Trump from a missile launched from a submarine. Trump has been protected from a thousand other things and has been to just about every nation on earth. But somehow the Military had no idea the SS was going to retreat, the NSA had no idea the CIA had patsies lined up, and The Less Than Ten had no idea that the cabal had counter-snipers ready to kill the President? And you fools think that Trump didn't notice his personal guards that he has been familiar with for the past 3000 days were replaced with midget lesbians. Do you really believe that Sheila Jackson Lee (who thinks the moon is made of gases) was able to outsmart the Military? Do you think that the 4 foot dyke secret service agents that handled their sidearms about as well as faggots handle bars of soap in the shower was a joke written by the President or Soros?
A your people for real? Lol. Q is a Military plan decades in the making, the NSA has Total Information Awareness, and the Military has legally executed former Presidents for treason, Senators and Representatives have been tried and executed for treason, the FBI and special prosecutors can't get to Trump because he is insulated. But I say Butler was a sting operation and the retards come out and say I'm a fantasist and that Patriots are evil. WTF? Lol. You bots are making me laugh like I've never laughed.
There is no way flesh and blood users on this site think that somehow the Military took a day off and let Trump walk into a turkey shoot. Or maybe anons are stupid and this is why we had to go through 4 years of Biden because even anons here are dense and as cucked as Fetterman.