On the QClock it is very clear that some 'society-disrupting' event could start this week. 0:33 to 0:35 (Mon to Wed) on the QClock.
(Covid lockdowns were 'society-disrupting')
The corresponding Q posts make some vague references. The rest of this is from my analysis based on open source intelligence.
Weeks before the July 13 'attempt,' I posted that that date (0:10) was one of the days that was a BIG deal on the QClock. (Unsure why exactly at the time.)
A few days ago I posted that the QClock pointed to HUGE happenings this coming week.
The point is that the QClock is reliable.
We were told things were going to get hot in August so that should be given. There is value in knowing what that might look like so we have the clearest picture, and therefore an idea of HOW we should prepare.
Based on my research (open source) I believe things might go in roughly this order:
-1 Market plunge & Mid East War
-2 Dome of the Rock (mosque) destroyed
-3 (Toxic?) weapon/plague
-4 Sleeper cell activation - 'Drones' or...?
-5 More fuckery
-6 More fuckery
-7 Victory – our enemy will be defeated in a way none of us see coming. A literal Golden Age of Light commences.
John Titor circa 2001:
"It's important that it be a surprise. Think of Moses and the Red Sea. If the pharaoh's army knew, do you think they would have pursued the Israelites?"
We are entering the last 40 days. Biblical.
"Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days.” ~Daniel 12:12
(((Sept 16)))
Get some dried apricots... It counters the MREs constipation so you can poop 💩
Possibly the most important prepper insight ev-ah