Email from financial 'insider' to "SG Anon" (whom I don't trust, but anyway...)
Audio version:
I got an interesting email, just a few days ago, 6 let me see here. 6 days ago now from an individual that just signed the email as a friend and patriot. And the email reads and, again, this is just, you know, this is an interesting speculative on how things may go. It's it's primarily, I think, a a patriot's opinion. But the email reads, dear s g, I follow you periodically and in what you would consider an insider.
Before you even try, please know that I use a triple hop VPN, and I'm very good at remaining in the sea of faces of We The People where I prefer to be. I'm emailing you because it is my belief 2024 will be the year various online truther communities, and that's in quotes, have been saying would come ever since 2019, 2020. Without divulging, I am a student of every major financial crash in modern history and have years of experience facilitating ultra high net worth international monetary transactions. You and others are right, to a degree, about what is coming to the world, specifically a reconstituted financial world with different rules and next generation enhancements that will one day make all of the talk about debt jubilees and QFS seem childish. But many commentators are also wrong when they speak of the how, the who, and the mechanisms driving this colossal shift.
A major error in all of the reporting over the last 40 months is that this process can be accomplished with no additional pain for the peoples in the western world since the new systems are running in parallel. Now while there are certainly new systems rolling out in every major node worldwide, and while many of them do run-in parallel to current world markets, the final disconnection from the system for the western world will have to include a short term period of ultra high inflation, followed by a flashpoint of a crisis kicking off. I would watch Japan, China, Israel, and North Korea for indicators as to when this may begin to happen. The crisis will last at least 10 to 14 days in my estimation as Western World Central Banking and Bloodline Dynasty Holdings are seized, cataloged, and repurposed for either discard or submission into the new system. News reports during this time period, assuming communication even remains possible, will be almost entirely incorrect, and even good citizen journalists will have a hard time isolating the truth of the events as they are occurring in real time.
In general, I believe an outline could look like this. Going into a weekend by New York time, significant cyber collapses are likely to trigger a cascading crash of all electronic banking banking systems left inside SWIFT nations, which by this point primarily encompasses North America, Western and Central Europe, former Commonwealth countries, and a few Pacific nations. The crash will not be recoverable. And on Sunday, the eurozone banks will acknowledge a liquidity crisis as Europeans in multiple countries will try to get money from their accounts without success. Talk of bank runs and bank crises on social media will ignite a firestorm by the end of the weekend, and censorship contagion, leading major manufacturing organizations to indefinitely suspend their operations due to their interconnectedness with large scale financial instruments and an inability to meet union and payroll demands.
The financial sector is likely to begin a slow acknowledgment inside of a 24 hour period that the emperor has no clothes, and Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, JPMorgan, and others will be rumored to be going insolvent if not there already. By Tuesday, ultra high net worth individuals will attempt to salvage assets from the system, and they will take to social media to garner public support for violence in doing so. It's my opinion that any of that class of people involved in crimes against humanity or forms of terrorism will be interdicted during this period by varying degrees of law enforcement and military supported operations. By the end of Tuesday, it is likely that the stock exchange will be collapsed by 35 to 40% from the start Monday morning, and trading will be manually halted to prevent further damage. By midweek, the contagion will be in full spread inside both the EU and North America.
Any money people still have left in the banks will be stolen by the Biden regime and European leaders, bailed in through lawful mechanisms. While this will be the end of the jurisdiction of the corporation over money, they will take anything we voluntarily leave inside their system on their way out. Social protests will erupt in major US, Canadian, and European metros by the middle of the day, and stock exchanges are likely to drop another 25% before being manually halted. By Wednesday afternoon, Tether and various crypto stablecoins will crash as their underpinnings will be exposed as illiquid, and all crypto will temporarily become worthless. Subprime housing and mortgages will begin to crash and will accelerate explosively by market close.
The French and British governments will likely enter pre collapse by this point, and public figures will begin to disappear from view as they seek to get ahead of population sentiment. On Thursday, Wall Street in New York is likely to begin a full public collapse with hedge funds announcing illiquidity across the majority of their portfolios. And major banks will declare bankruptcy due to stock shorts, which will be revealed to be in the tens of trillions. This will lay bare the manipulation scheme of all worldwide markets by the Federal Reserve Banking System and its major players. These banks will fail their required margin levels, and the FDIC will try to cover their losses.
Since the FDIC has no money though, they too will fold and the Federal Reserve will be left to manage the contagion alone red handed. Subprime mortgage crashes will reach 60 to 70% by the end of Thursday, and the stock exchanges will collapse another 20% on the day before being manually halted. Commodities trading will also likely be halted before the end of the week, which will fuel the inferno. Headlines that evening from the treacherous media will probably blare something like Great Depression 2.0, an attempt to drive popular support for the Federal Reserve to fix the problem. Social protests will increase in their intensity.
And by Thursday evening, support for a military coup against the US government will begin to gain momentum across the country. By worldwide by Friday, worldwide headlines will scream US dollar insolvency, causing 100 of 1,000,000,000 of dollars in US treasuries to be dumped in a matter of hours, and the commodities markets will soar. US interest rates will rise meteorically in parallel and pop the bubble of the fiat system. Pressure on the US government to resign will mount. Heads of state around the world will summon US ambassadors to explain the events currently in motion.
The German and Italian governments will likely collapse by the end of the week, and massive protests against the government, Wall Street, globalist bankers, and community level sellouts in the United States will sweep the nation by Friday's end. Local authorities are probably going to be unable to quell the unrest. Traders in local law enforcement will be highlighted during these protests and met with public fury. The stock exchange will collapse down on this day before it is halted and suspended indefinitely for a total of 92% or more since the start of the week. Local grocery and critical supply outlets and retail stores will be empty or closed by Friday as supply chains will no longer be functioning nationwide.
By the evening time, the dollar will be declared non grata in European nations seeking to stay above water. On Saturday, protests in the United States will increase in scale again and pockets of violence are likely to develop. Election fraud data will will be dumped onto the Internet around this time, showing stolen elections since George H W Bush, and this will add a new dimension to public wrath. The current false government of the United States will seek to stifle the impact of this information by playing the only card left in the deck, the facilitation of multiple simultaneous terrorist attacks on US soil and a concurrent declaration of a wartime state of emergency leading to an overnight imp implementation, excuse me, of trade of trade, travel, Internet, and communication restrictions. Calls for accountability against government officials at all levels will rage through the weekend, And by Sunday evening, organized terrorist groups will begin attacking government offices and buildings, law enforcement, and perhaps even public gatherings.
These attacks will overwhelm localized law enforcement's ability to respond to the growing unrest, probably in mostly blue states. And by Sunday night, US Military Northern Command will be forced to step in, engaging the terrorists along with their backers, financiers, and accomplices. This to preserve and defend the Republic and the Constitution. It's worth noting, SG, that the above is speculative in nature, and you should know this before you air this. But were something like this to occur in the next 7 to 10 days or excuse me, in the 7 to 10 days leading up to 1152024, it would not surprise me in the least.
I am highly technically competent and knowledgeable of these arenas of power. These people play for keeps, but they never show their hand until they have absolutely nothing left to lose. And that clock will end at midnight on November 4th. Powerful. So again, Patriots, that's a speculative, you know, hypothetical as far as I'm concerned.
I can't corroborate that that's how it's going to look or how it's going to be. I can't corroborate that we're not going to see some sort of seamless transition and very little interruption whatsoever. I what I can say and what I would acknowledge out there for, you know, those that are listening to this broadcast is that we are entering a period of fundamental transformation of how we exchange value. And in order to implement, that level of a change, I can see a significant destructuring that would need to occur.
Great info, thanks OP
Glaringly absent from the Nightmare of Doom scenario, of course, is any suggestion of WHAT TO DO for the average hard-working citizen who's been saving their whole life, relying on safe, low-return, low-risk index mutual funds for the bulk of their portfolio.
Seriously? All this detailed, down-to-the-minute speculation, and not one single hint for the typical American out there? Just doom and gloom only? Not even a platitude like "Don't panic and sell all your mutual funds, everyone will be made whole in the new economic system?" (What about coming out even a little bit ahead for our trouble?)
Standing by for Part 2, where we get a hint as to what people should DO.
Have food and water for several weeks. Easy to do. By 3 cans of soup/veg's each week. Store. Grab extra water ect. Anything that does not require electricity.
And do not share to anyone that you have done this
OR...let your neighbors know what's going on now so they can prepare, remember WWG1WGA, and quit letting the cabal separate us like they normally try to do to pick us off in smaller numbers. Just a thought.
And weapons to defend it since many or most around you will not have done the same
Sensible. I've long expected it would be about 2-3 weeks of chaos before the total transition to the new financial system would be completed. I think Q hinted at this way back when.
Meh, I'd be reluctant to stock up soup in cans. I try to avoid all junk food. Canned soup is invariably full of sugar, preservatives and other shit. If you buy stuff in cans, make sure it's in brine or olive oil without additives. Likewise jars.
Are you insane? Who the fuck cares about sugar in your EMERGENCY food, it's cheap and will get you by in an EMERGENCY.
I'm referring to the situation where you are planning ahead and have a choice. Obviously if you already left it too late then you eat shit to survive.
Illinuxdude was clearly referring to planning ahead with "By (sic) 3 cans of soup/veg's each week."
I'm suggesting buying non-junk "food". Why jump on me for that?
This is where you also describe what you DO stock up on. =D Canned food full of crap for a short period of time is infinitely better than going hungry or starvation.
And sodium, but rherrell is right. If you haven’t prepped, get what you can. Don’t forget your fur babies.
Yes, cats can be cooked and eaten in an emergency. Good suggestion.