We never had extra cash to purchase gold or silver. We had to use most of our retirement savings for a life-threatening medical situation for one of our children (after we retired) and haven't (and won't) be able to build it back better (or at all actually).
Sucks, but we can make it - not including debt payments.
Seeing this has never happened before, it's really anyone's guess. But it appears the playbook is, all debt will be forgiven. It almost has to be. We don't reward bad (or illegal) behavior. Well, unless you're a Democrat but I digress.....
And seeing the Fed Reserve & the IRS, etc are illegal commodities, I would suspect we will be given a clean slate as the illegal United States Corporation comes to an end.
I know I stopped paying my credit cards this year (ruining my 700+ credit score) but I just can't keep up anymore. And the real weird thing is, I just don't give a sh*t anymore.
It could be possible you will have to pay back the debt over a certain amount of time but without interest. That is probably the fairest way to do it.