TwoPhish 20 points ago +21 / -1

Wasn't '81 million' the official fake amount...of fake votes.....for the fake Biden...during the fake election?

PS- we're finally out of the eye of the storm. Now comes the turbulence again. But this time we're prepared. Bring it on!!!

TwoPhish 2 points ago +2 / -0

Even though I believe Obama/Barry is 110% gay....this is silly to say that was the inference because we were ALL taking AIDS tests back then especially if we weren't in monogamous relationships. Hell, just dating someone most of the time, required proof of a negative AIDs test. AIDS frenzy back then was the clot-shot frenzy of today. And funny enough, Gates and Fauci were behind both!!! My point, everyone....not just gays..... were taking AIDS tests.

TwoPhish 0 points ago +4 / -4

Oooooooor they swapped out the 'players'. Maybe it was a real assassination set up. Then the WH switched out all the players.

Because honestly, there is no f'n way Trumps' security detail became inept or corrupt now. Trump is the most important man on the planet right now so to think somehow someone was allowed to climb a roof and shoot Trumps' ear is more ridiculous than me saying it was a hoax. And, the cameramen were right there to take photos of the dead man on the roof, Trump crotched down under the podium and a bullet whizzing by his head??? LOL I mean, c'mon people. It's a show. A movie. Central casting!!

TwoPhish -1 points ago +4 / -5

It was a hoax IMO, by the WH to expose whatever the next scene is. So far it looks like BlackRock and Bush/Cheney.

This is an operation. And it's full of phuckery!! Not necessarily to trick us but to make 'reality' more palatable for the average person ti digest.

Do you REALLY think Joe Biden is the same Joe Biden during Obama admin? Very few believe that so.......if they're pulling a fast one over on the world with that 'lie'......do you really think pulling a hoax of this magnitude is out of their capability or purview? Trump is an actor (and a patriot, a brilliant businessman and someone who believes in God). He was designed to play this role as this utterly corrupt global cabal comes to an end soon!!!!

TwoPhish -3 points ago +3 / -6

You're right. To say we 'know' is a bit cocky of me. True, we don't know sh*t but my instincts, my gut, my intuition tells me what things appear to be like.

I do KNOW without a shadow of a doubt, Trump is playing a part/role and we're watching a scripted operation/movie. Or maybe the matrix is just becoming more obvious now as the curtain is lifting??

That I don't know.

But I DO know that is NOT Joe Biden, or Pence, or Fauci, or Kerry, or Gates, or Hillary, or Hunter etc. I know that. My eyes (third eye?) can tell they're not the same 'soul'. Trump is not the same person either lately. I can just 'tell'. Maybe I'm just gifted :)

TwoPhish 1 point ago +9 / -8

Some people thought it might've been Barron and what makes that so unbelievable is, that he would've been about 10 or 11 years old.

But John McAfee and JFK jr were my two guesses.

We all know Trump is performing right now. None of what happened last Saturday, IMO, was real. It was a sting to bring more agencies (SS,NSA, CIA etc) and people down.

We all know there won't be an election. We also all know Trump won't be returning to DC. We also believe a whole new system of government has been set up to replace this corrupt corporation. So JD Vance is just optics as well in my humble opinion.

If JFK jr is really still alive (which my gut tells me it's VERY likely) then, not sure when or where he'll come into play in all of this. I feel like we're going to take one or two more powerful blows and then maybe as a healing agent, they might bring out JFK jr at that point. But who TF knows what's going on. And that's the way they like it. They want everyone confused and diverted so they can continue draining this ginormous swamp.

TwoPhish 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. Allegedly, the captain from his firehouse said it was always spelled incorrectly and Corey didn't want it corrected (or some nonsense like that) https://x.com/kylegriffin1/status/1814135635206160789

TwoPhish 3 points ago +4 / -1

Doesn't it look like a little tiny pillow? Isn't it interesting how My Pillow Mike Lindell is one of his biggest supporters (and sponsors, I thnk)?

Is that a reach? Yeah. Probably so. But still. Everything has meaning. Nothing is what it appears to be. That acknowledgment can't be an exception now.

But I just don't believe a single thing about this staged event. Not one bit of it. Didn't that hour and still don't a week later.

This was pulled off, IMO, to propel us into the next clean-up phase of this movie. Now the movie will be more overt rather than covert. Because let's face it, it's storm time!! I think this event was designed to boomerang back to Biden, Obama, Hillary, Bush, Cheney, BlackRock........

If this was a sting it is so brilliantly played out. Right down to the firefighter's jacket being misspelled. Why? To give this incredible-sounding event, credibility, It helps to validate the authenticity of this (man-made) 'event'!

TwoPhish 1 point ago +4 / -3

There's some serious phuckery afoot!! Who is this man JD? I never heard of him. Why'd Trump REALLY pick him? And what was the 'assassination' attempt REALLY all about? "A week to remember" eh? So far it's been a week to forget! It's all so complicated and confusing.

I don't believe the shooting was real at all. I don't think that was really Trump (nor was that him at the RNC last night).

WTF is going on???

TwoPhish -1 points ago +1 / -2

I believe this was a move on the WH's part to elicit a reaction (and countermove) by the DS seeing no one saw this coming. Trump is one of the most if not THE most guarded/protected and insulated person on this planet. No one expected this. This was impossible so they did not see this coming (much like "they never thought she would lose") I believe this was all staged but not everyone was in on it. Let's see how this plays out. I'm sure it's going to be multifaceted like usual!

TwoPhish 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everyone is giving their opinions except YOU who seems to be putting out facts. LOL Ego-much?. Wow.

It looks staged. Doesn't mean there weren't real bullets. Did you NOT learn anything from Jan 6th? You think that was real too?

I don't know if I can post this vid here but its a video of Trumps' SS pointing right at the shooter from another rooftop yet they don't kill him before he shoots at Trump?

C'mon now. Trump's security detail aren't going to fail him now!!! Remember, Trump is an actor too as well as a great businessman and the best president ever! But he's a showman!!


The world is a stage and we have front rows seats!!

TwoPhish -1 points ago +1 / -2

Stephen Paddock, Adam Lanza and more recently, Ashli Babbitt were shot too!!! (insert eye roll)

Unfortunately, a narrative and witnesses don't make something true (anymore) especially once you realize how evil this cabal really are!!

TwoPhish 0 points ago +2 / -2

Nah. That's the REACTION....the optics they want. You REALLY think Trump got shot? I mean, really? Hell, do you really think that was even Trump? LOL. I don't.

Here's the bottom line. There will be no election. Trump is and has been CIC. This entire system is circling the drain. Most of the takedown was done covertly. (primarily when Trump called in 25,000 troops who fenced-in DC for 3 months!!)

We are watching a movie. Whether you can understand or accept that or not, I can't help you. But that IS what is happening. That doesn't mean we have to understand exactly how they're doing what they're doing but once you know how this 'movie' ends, it's easy to see through these scenes.

They're creating the end of this movie to be palatable for the average human being to digest. And if you think that's Joe Biden rather than a double or clone then, you're nowhere near being awake enough to grasp this operation.

I bet this 'shooting' will tie back to "Biden". That's how you get everyone in the same book (or better yet, on the same page!!)

TwoPhish 1 point ago +2 / -1

You're kidding, right? Staged, scripted, false flag or psy-op doesn't mean it didn't happen. Only means it wasn't organic. And I 100% agree. This felt scripted. And just because we can't definitively answer questions (like did someone REALLY get shot in the head or could that have been an actor?).........doesn't negate the fact that this entire event feels fake.

Not sure if you're a Q follower or believer but Trump is 100% insulated. They (secret service etc) are not going to get sloppy now. Do yourself a favor, let headline news, from now on.... marinate for at LEAST 24 hours before you react. Because the news cycle is going to be crazy from here on out.

TwoPhish 2 points ago +2 / -0

I love "This world is nothing but an outside picture of an inward condition"!!!! I want that on a bumper sticker :)

TwoPhish 2 points ago +2 / -0

I love how this was easily explained. Your parents have to have been born in the United States because the 'honor' of being an American citizen has to be passed down and inherited by two American-born/American-loving parents.

You can't have two foreign-born parents who might otherwise hate America, raise a child to hate America and then have that child become President. (like Obama)

That's why both parents have to be born here and presumed that their allegiance and love of America is ingrained.

Obama's admin will be abolished and ruled traitorous. That IS coming!!! The way this operation is being handled is mindblowing!!! They are drip-drip-dripping intel and people's brained-washed ideals are changing. Now they're openly talking about Obama being gay etc.........

It's a phucking phantasitc time to be alive!!!

TwoPhish 22 points ago +22 / -0

Everything in your title is correct except the last line. NWO is never going to happen. Are you serious? WTF do you think this is/has been all about?

Why hasn't Trump picked a VP yet?? Why?....because everything is about to change for the better.

All conventional ways of running this country (banking, voting, laws, health care) are about to be replaced by a new system. There won't be an election this year either.

And there won't be a sitting 'president', 'vice-president' or 535 reps (most who became millionaires from inside trading.....), etc like it's been. Donald J Trump was the last president of the United States Corporation. DC was seized when Trump had 25,000 troops surround DC for 3 months!!! We're watching a movie, folks!!!

Our leader (Trump, for now) will oversee the 50 states. Like a hall monitor of sorts because everything is going BACK to the state level. National & international matters will be executed by our Leader (executions too!!!) but will never have control over us again. By the time this is over, the federal government will be reduced to a handful of workers who work for us!! The United States is no longer a corporation.

DC is done. Finished. There's no going back to Washington for Trump. Power is going BACK to the people and all laws, rules etc will be legislated at the state level.

And here's some pearls of wisdom....... what if our thoughts DO become things? What if our reality IS shaped by our thoughts? Perhaps changing your thoughts will change your outlook (and eventually, your reality).
Just a suggestion. Because I don't know about YOU but I am 100% confident things are about to change for the better. So in my opinion, you're either a troll (maybe a good troll to wake people up) or a very mediocre person.

TwoPhish 1 point ago +1 / -0

The only reason why I feel so confident is that even when I try....I can't imagine (intuitively or cognitively, any other result. I mean, 'they' are still challenging the 2020 (and 2022) election(s). It's just a deep sense of 'knowing' although I have no idea HOW any of this is going to go down. It's as if I'm reading a book backward. I know the ending but I don't know all the characters or motives yet. But I do know we're in the final chapters though...............

Remember, Trump never conceded. He also said (promised) he'd be back in some form or words to that effect. He also said the best is yet to come.

Trump is full of hyperbole, I know....... but never once has he ever lied publicly. There's no need to. He doesn't care what people think because he's not about ego even though people think he is full of egotism. I think he's quite humble. People often confuse his confidence with cockiness. Maybe it's both but because I'm from NY too I understand his humor and sarcasm which often gets misconstrued by people who are not used to that characteristic. I just 'get' him, that's all.

Admittedly, I did not vote nor like Trump very much in 2016 (I never even once watched The Apprentice) so I only knew of Trump as this flashy gaudy businessman. Didn't know much about him otherwise. But after 7 years, Trump has won my respect & trust and I am just so confident all will be okay.

There's a rumor that JFK jr will be announced as his VP on July 16-17..... but I don't do that hopium even though I think it can be true. What a uniting factor that would be if true, huh? It would unite the left and the right immediately against this global cabal once and for all.

But something major is about to happen. Maybe several major events. By whom? Who knows...............?

I just know this time next year, everything will have changed. As a matter of fact, Trump said after Memorial Day 2025, we will be celebrating for the entire year so there's that too................

TwoPhish 3 points ago +3 / -0

We're at the 'exposure' part of this movie (hence the debates). They're turning on the lights so everyone can see the rats! And.....the liberal media is being forced to show it!!! It's glorious...... however, prepare for retaliation (but we win at the end and the end is nigh)

TwoPhish 27 points ago +29 / -2

Absolutely.... positively.....100% certain, there will be NO election this year!!

"Biden" will be taken out soon. "Harris" won't be able to step up and DC will go into full-tilt crisis mode and will eventually shutter (close down)

A brand new EVERYTHING is on the horizon. We're watching the end of their end. And the fact that the white hats are allowing these people to appear to go out with dignity is mindboggling. Honorable (I guess) but frustrating.

But we need truth now. We can't evolve healthily with secrets. In fact, we are as sick as our secrets. The public needs to know the truth. We know Biden, Pence, Hillary, Obama and others have been LONG gone. We know Trump has been working behind the scenes in a COG in a CIC role. We KNOW that. Now, our liberal friends & families need to know that!!

As Julian Assange said, "When all is exposed, 98% of DC will fall" Oh and.....Trump will never ever EVER return to Washington DC let alone the Oval Office. DC is a foreign territory and will be torn down or made into some sort of sanctuary. But POTUS Trump is NOT going back there. I don't know how or why I know all this but I just do.

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