Since it's evident that the crash is finally here, I'm just curious. I know there's some people on here that were old enough to remember when we went off the gold standard, and there's also people savvier than myself in terms of knowing how macroeconomics works, so I'm just curious. How does that work exactly?
Like, would we just take a crap ton of money out of circulation to match the amount of gold/silver we have in reserve? Would it be all at once, slowly and gradually so as to not shock the economy? I legit don't know.
I always assumed it would be a gradual thing where we gradually introduce new gold/silver backed bills as we retire old fiat currency over the course of several years.
Another thing I can't see happening that I see A LOT of people claiming, is that everyone is gonna lose ALL their "fiat money" and have to start over from zero.
That's just not feasible, like, at all.
Literally no one, poor or rich, would accept that. It doesn't matter how "good" it sounds in the long term, you can't literally take away the life savings of 300 million plus people and expect them to NOT riot and start destroying things in protest.
Even normies would get in on the action at that point.
Besides that, it makes no sense. How would businesses function? Even ignoring the large wall street corporations everyone hates, how would medium sized companies ever survive that?
"Oh I'm sorry, I know you spent that last 30 years of your life building a business, but now all your money is worthless, so you can't pay your employees, bills, private debts, etc. Guess you have no choice but to go out of business since everything is worthless now."
And the whole "people with lots of money won't be able to redeem it but people with less will be able to redeem it all" idea doesn't work either for that exact reason. Your average small/medium business owner is a millionaire. If all of a sudden, they have 20-50% less cash assets because "they couldn't redeem it dollar for dollar", then that will probably put their business in the red, thus effecting their employees, stake holders, and the economy as a whole when this happens on a nationwide scale.
So my question is this, HOW do we realistically transition to this new currency?
I only really see two options myself. Either we gradually transition to it, as I mentioned before, or we go to a different denomination system, where we have larger denominations of currency, and cultivate an economic environment that promotes wage growth by eliminating immigration, deporting foreign nationals, illegals, etc., add tariffs to imports, etc. all in order to incentive companies to onshore jobs and production and actually hire Americans in order to force them to offer competitive pay, with the new, high denominations being used as a simpler means of transaction, due to the actual dollar amount not increasing, but also not decreasing by a large amount.
Think like, Japan, South Korea, etc. where everything is in denominations of a 1,000, but when you convert it to dollars, everything you'd buy in those countries is dirt cheap in comparison.
That's my two cents, but i could be wrong. Feel free to discuss and add your own thoughts on how this will work.
The Federal Reserve Bank will be taken over by the Treasury. The money in circulation will slowly be adjusted, and replaced. The money in circulation whether new US Dollar or Fed Note will be backed with gold.
Slowly the old Fed Notes will disappear.
A crash like so many are predicting ends in the great reset. There is no doubt the cabal and their shills are working hard toward that end, and they are creating a very volatile market right now, but I believe they will be countered. Anything less and we end up with the Great Reset the cabal banksters have been pursuing all along. I can't see the whitehats just handing them the win.
May have already happened.