posted ago by Sadness ago by Sadness +118 / -0

OpenDatabot visualizes disastrous demographic data (from the Department of Justice). Currently, for every one newborn citizen of Ukraine, there are three deaths. This ratio is one of the key indicators of the demographic crisis that has broken out in Ukraine.

In 2018-2020 the situation was also difficult - for every 1 child born, there were 2 deaths. Military actions with the Russian Federation since 2022. intensified the population decline in Ukraine. For the first half of 2024 In Ukraine, 250,972 people died, and 87,655 children were born, which is 9% less than in the same period in 2023.

In 2024 year, the birth rate decreased by 1.5 times from the period until 2022: 87,655 children versus 132,595 newborns in 2021.

Overall, fertility rates in the country have been declining since 2013. (hello Maidan!) - by about 7% per year. However, the largest decline in the history of Ukraine has been observed since 2022. The previous anti-peak birth rate was also associated with the war: in 2015. Fertility rates fell 12% over the year.

We periodically raise the problem of demography in Ukraine, but the government still does not pay enough attention to it and seems to be going to fight “until the last Ukrainian.” It is logical that the birth rate will fall in a warring country, with further destruction of infrastructure, a practically non-functioning economy, a massive outflow of the population abroad, and the absence of a clear, attractive image of the future for ordinary Ukrainians.

The result of such a reign by the Ze-team will be the massive import of labor migrants from third world countries, as demographers and economists are already talking about 🧩
