It makes sense. They want to obliterate anyone who holds onto old traditions. There is sin in old traditions. No one is sinless, yet they want a new world order that resides in the complete obliteration of hiding sin.
They want to be open with their sin to the extent they are literally putting it right in everyone’s face.
They want an old man to be able to walk down the street holding hands with his lover who is 13 years old. They call this liberal/progression. They want to be free from hiding sin.
It has always been there, but they have no value with people who have affairs with other heterosexual adults who know they are sinning and keep it hidden. They have value in mocking heterosexuality and it is no longer needed. It is trash to the progressive.
The sin these liberals are involved in is the type that will only rape others who try and say no to them and that too is what they want.
They want it to be illegal to say no other sexuality and such. Saying no to their advancements is a sin to them.
The only way to fix this is a miracle. Social credit scores will reflect this in the future. If you want to eat, you better not say no to an older man and a younger child.
Christians have become so accustomed to stupidity it is to the point they are who they are on purpose now. Christians are supposed to be the salt—not the whole world—they are to keep Jesus and His foundation alive. The version of some of these Christian’s now is vile and essentially they are exactly what the Olympics portrayed.
I am not casting any stones. It is only seeing. A Christian used to be taught the world will hate you but be strong and now they say a Christian is of the world and yet that is the deception. Remember to always take the higher road to keep the peace. Rebuking evil hurts peoples precious feelings to much. :)
It makes sense. They want to obliterate anyone who holds onto old traditions. There is sin in old traditions. No one is sinless, yet they want a new world order that resides in the complete obliteration of hiding sin.
They want to be open with their sin to the extent they are literally putting it right in everyone’s face.
They want an old man to be able to walk down the street holding hands with his lover who is 13 years old. They call this liberal/progression. They want to be free from hiding sin.
It has always been there, but they have no value with people who have affairs with other heterosexual adults who know they are sinning and keep it hidden. They have value in mocking heterosexuality and it is no longer needed. It is trash to the progressive.
The sin these liberals are involved in is the type that will only rape others who try and say no to them and that too is what they want.
They want it to be illegal to say no other sexuality and such. Saying no to their advancements is a sin to them.
The only way to fix this is a miracle. Social credit scores will reflect this in the future. If you want to eat, you better not say no to an older man and a younger child.
Christians have become so accustomed to stupidity it is to the point they are who they are on purpose now. Christians are supposed to be the salt—not the whole world—they are to keep Jesus and His foundation alive. The version of some of these Christian’s now is vile and essentially they are exactly what the Olympics portrayed.
I am not casting any stones. It is only seeing. A Christian used to be taught the world will hate you but be strong and now they say a Christian is of the world and yet that is the deception. Remember to always take the higher road to keep the peace. Rebuking evil hurts peoples precious feelings to much. :)