posted ago by RighteousWeed ago by RighteousWeed +32 / -0

Please go re watch the "inauguration" from 2020... It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL to have the new president sworn in before noon... let alone 2 days prior (how do we know that??? easy, watch the show, then realize Europe saw it before we did - now how is that possible if we saw it live??? and how did the blonde behind Biden keep changing her wardrobe from pink to gray back and forth so much???) The military turned their backs... every last one would be court martialed under UCMJ (which existed before the Declaration of Independance and the Constitution FYI). Also, the scene at the graveyard... with the death of a foreign dignitary ceremony (not to be confused with the 21 gun salute Trump got THAT SAME DAY!!!). THEN look at the EO's he signed on his way out... setting up COG (Continuity of Government) which was to last 2 years but it has been extended to this year... Plus, Trump didn't have counter snipers till the July 13th event... yet they had hidden counter snipers as well as the visible ones....

Everyone, please, understand, we are living in the movie.. the show is all around us. The stock market, the "war", Obama, Michael, and all the other Satanists or Luciferians they run with (check out occultkat.com to see what i'm talking about (info is 99% complete) Everyone relax... I've lost $30k in the stock market in the last 3 days... i get the panic but, God is in control and He chose Donald Trump to be His David for this time... you either believe that or you have little peace...i choose the former, i hope others will join me in just letting go and Letting God unfold The Greatest Show on Earth right before your very eyes... or just go to youtube or rumble and look up "the Greatest Show on Earth"... Besides Trump tweeted about it just Friday.