Ive noticed a definite uptick in redpill material on these streaming services. Paramount has a new documentary series. I caught just part of the ad for it passing through as my wife was watching something. But the gist was a womens son was an alcoholic. He died from it. She donated his body to a University (?) the Government (?) so they could study the effects of alcohol and they sold it to the military. His body was used as a crash test dummy in an exploding humvee test. She was beyond heartbroken that this was done without her consent. She has a box of ashes but doesnt even know if they are his.
Ive noticed a definite uptick in redpill material on these streaming services. Paramount has a new documentary series. I caught just part of the ad for it passing through as my wife was watching something. But the gist was a womens son was an alcoholic. He died from it. She donated his body to a University (?) the Government (?) so they could study the effects of alcohol and they sold it to the military. His body was used as a crash test dummy in an exploding humvee test. She was beyond heartbroken that this was done without her consent. She has a box of ashes but doesnt even know if they are his.