I want to start off by saying the most important part first and then I will give my economic breakdown:
Life is hard for everyone right now and the world is going to crap. In times like these the most important thing you can do is focus on family, faith, mental health, physical health and your inner circle of friends and people you care about.
Always remember that while our job is to help awaken others, News and media literally make money off demoralizing you so even when you react to tranny story time, olympic ceremonies, etc. You are quite literally feeding the system because fear sells and the more views and shares you give something the more they profit even when you are fighting the system.
Im not saying avoid hot topics, but the reality of the situation is that most of the stuff we react to does not affect our daily life and will have to be changed slowly via politics and culture once Q team cleans up the election rigging (hopefully soon).
Worry about things that you CAN control first, especially if you have faith in the Q plan and keep yourself mentally strong. This isnt going to be a super quick process and even if they arrest all the corruption the battle for hearts and minds will continue starting with those around you more than random internet trolls half of which we know are fake/CIA bots/etc.
Now for my take on economics: Lately i have seen A LOT of borderline dooming posts implying the old system will completely collapse and gold and silver are the only safe thing or even DJT dtock, gamestop etc. While i do believe those are great money making opporunities for those with spare cash (i own some myself), I honestly think that view is fake news and dooming.
Not everyone here can afford physical metals and i guarantee you whatever the Q team has planned doesnt involve wiping out the entire middle/working classes stocks and 401k and if it somehow does then there will be a plan in place because they know that would destory the fabric of society and even have global implications that are disastrous.
While i do think the old system will be removed somehow, even the Q team knows an economic collapse would destabalize society and literally kill MILLIONS of people. Nothing about that sounds like the Q plan that most of us here believe in. As a matter of fact if that happens i would be the first to suggest the Q plan failed.
It is HIGHLY unlikely that there will ever be a very rapid economic collapse and Q specifically said loss of life will be mitigated which means whatever the future holds, it will likely be a phased roll out of a new system not a switch that is flipped overnight. Economics are incredibly complicated and i believe the plan will likely go something like this: 1 - redistribution of some wealth from corruption as they correct the stock market (whatever that looks like) 2 - capping interest rates on credit cards, mortgages, loans, etc. So that banks cant rake us over the coals 3 - redo the tax code and lower tax rates to something reasonable or at least provide massive tax incentives to encourage home schooling, farming, manufacturing, and other things that benefit society as a whole. 4 - financial transparency requirements using blockchain or similar tech for future politicians so that people cannot hide bribes and crap through shell corporations and friends and family. 5 - removal of the fed so that average working class people can actually plan for and enjoy retirement without random inflation and economic reset worries that wipe out their savings 6 - removal or partial repayment of debts owed to corrupt corporations (credit cards, student loans, etc) Note: i dont know exactly what the plan is but those bullet points are all rational reasonable steps, any one of which would massively benefit the average person.
Summary: If you trust the plan then calm down because it will all work out. Pray and Focus on the ones you love and protect your mental health and love your fellow humans even when they are liberal crazies who have bought into propaganda. Hard times call for hard men/women who are prepared for the worst but working towards the best and we cant help others if we live in fear constantly.
Its going to be okay! Dont let the fear get to you. Thats what the enemy and the devil himself are banking on.
Once you are free from fear you are basically unstoppable. That fact alone keeps them up at night and that is why they try to keep us in a state of fear. Dont play their game.
I love you all. Stay strong frogs! 🐸
Also, I'm still holding out hope that those 87,000 IRS agents have been counting how much in taxes the govt illegally stole over the years, to give it back to us as refunds. It would be a nice way to reliquidate the economy and set us up for a decentralized people-focused economic boom.