VENEZUELAGATE: Nicolás Maduro, President of Venezuela, claims that the President of Argentina, Javier Milei, and Elon Musk are part of a Satanic cult.
"Check out his profile and the diabolical symbols on his chest."
"It's a spiritual fight between good and evil."

Interesting comment comment do you have any sources for this, I would love to explore this a bit
"Venezuelan ruler Nicolás Maduro spent thousands of dollars of state funds on Santería rituals carried out in Cuba, said the former director of the South American country’s military intelligence, Hugo Carvajal.
Read more at: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/venezuela/article231176548.html#storylink=cpy"
Also take a look at Chavez digging up the remains of Simon Bolivar. Local rumor was that Chavez used the bones in a ritual to "absorb" the powers of Bolivar.