Police in riot gear, or troops on the street - the last thing any country needs is to use its troops against its citizens - only addresses the symptoms.
The real problem is with the mass immigration of particularly muslim persuasion, 10 million in a country of only 58+ million (2000)
With politicians who are 'London centric', 'Deaf' and who are pandering after that ethnic votes.
Soros, WEF, UN, Gates etc with their open borders destabilizing agenda.
So they are up to ~15% of the population is Muslim now? I remember a few years ago there was a video that described how the "Muslimization" of countries happens, with the first few percent being significant, so now, with such a large percentage, it may be too late for England to do anything about it, short of mass deportation, but so many are now British citizens, it probably IS too late, and within 30 years, England will be essentially a Muslim country.
Yes, the people of the UK have been greatly concerned about the massive increase in immigration over the past 25 years. Successive governments have said they would deal with it - but didn't. There have been only two parties able to gain parliament but our voting system means you only ever get one or the other and they are basically the same. We just replaced Sunac with Starmer not because people came out in droves to vote for him, but because people didn't vote for the other guy.
Farage with his new party has broken through and have made a bridgehead, just a few mps this time but we hope sufficient next time to form the government. These recent actions and name calling by Starmer would likely deliver a Farage government if there was a vote tomorrow.
In some ways this mirrors the US situation in which the Biden regime has shown the people the ruth and they are likely to return Trump in November with a huge majority
Add into this - for the UK - that we have had massive Muslim immigration and they have been allowed since last October to stir up strife week after week with parades in London. They have not integrated, and continue with their own culture in enclaves. As PhDinNY pointed out above here is a pattern to progress when Muslims come into a country. In small numbers very nice, as their numbers as a% grows they become more demanding, appeasement fails and then the real troubles start, we are likely approaching that point but their % is not yet high enough.
Police in riot gear, or troops on the street - the last thing any country needs is to use its troops against its citizens - only addresses the symptoms.
The real problem is with the mass immigration of particularly muslim persuasion, 10 million in a country of only 58+ million (2000)
With politicians who are 'London centric', 'Deaf' and who are pandering after that ethnic votes.
Soros, WEF, UN, Gates etc with their open borders destabilizing agenda.
So they are up to ~15% of the population is Muslim now? I remember a few years ago there was a video that described how the "Muslimization" of countries happens, with the first few percent being significant, so now, with such a large percentage, it may be too late for England to do anything about it, short of mass deportation, but so many are now British citizens, it probably IS too late, and within 30 years, England will be essentially a Muslim country.
They have to go back
Agree..by plane, trane, automobile, boat, or trebuchet, no matter just send them back.
Trebuchet gets my vote. Only because the UK is surrounded by water No other reason
Yes I recall that video but could not remember who put it out.
Isn't the real problem with the sellouts in parliament that let it happen?
Yes, the people of the UK have been greatly concerned about the massive increase in immigration over the past 25 years. Successive governments have said they would deal with it - but didn't. There have been only two parties able to gain parliament but our voting system means you only ever get one or the other and they are basically the same. We just replaced Sunac with Starmer not because people came out in droves to vote for him, but because people didn't vote for the other guy.
Farage with his new party has broken through and have made a bridgehead, just a few mps this time but we hope sufficient next time to form the government. These recent actions and name calling by Starmer would likely deliver a Farage government if there was a vote tomorrow.
In some ways this mirrors the US situation in which the Biden regime has shown the people the ruth and they are likely to return Trump in November with a huge majority
Add into this - for the UK - that we have had massive Muslim immigration and they have been allowed since last October to stir up strife week after week with parades in London. They have not integrated, and continue with their own culture in enclaves. As PhDinNY pointed out above here is a pattern to progress when Muslims come into a country. In small numbers very nice, as their numbers as a% grows they become more demanding, appeasement fails and then the real troubles start, we are likely approaching that point but their % is not yet high enough.