posted ago by ouvrez_les_yeux ago by ouvrez_les_yeux +151 / -0

I posted here last November about bloodwork I had done that showed elevated Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, indicating hypothyroidism. Of course the medical professional (RN) I was seeing at the time wanted to put me on Levothyroxine. I resisted, started taking a kelp supplement thanks to the recommendation of the good people on this board, and this year my TSH is well within the normal range. However, unfortunately, now my cholesterol numbers are high, particularly triglycerides, so if anyone has ideas how to get that under control I would appreciate the help. In any case, thanks Great Awakening! Edit to add: The doctor wants me to try diet and exercise for 3 months and then retest cholesterol. So no prescriptions for now. Again, you people are wonderful!