I'm starting to think maybe "the Nazis" and all their crimes are nine-tenths just projections from the fever dreams of these psychos in (so-called) Israel. Consider who has control of media and history ever since "the Nazis", and consider that such behaviour has not once happened anywhere else, except where you have these psychos operating (Bolshevik Russia, Holodomor Ukraine, Mao's china. I remember the picture of the soldier at Abu Graib from the Iraq war pointing to his Shin Bet tattoo). It seems that this inhumanity belongs not to mythically cruel "the Nazis" but actually to these psychos, we call (erroneously) Jews, like they are followers of the father of Jesus?
Increasingly hard for me to escape these conclusions. You can also look at the other side, actually look at Germans themselves. Apart from what we are constantly told about "the Nazis" what remains is a highly cultured people of Europe famed for their work ethic and great and grand achievements in virtually all the arts of civilisation, science, architecture, music, art etc. Then you read about the Weimar period and the complaints of Hitler himself, I always remember the passage about him having rhetorically beaten in debate the proverbial tormentor Jew how the next moment he is "thunderstruck" that they have reverted back to the starting delusion as if the forgone debate had never occurred!
How were the Germans treated after the war? after the apparently zionist alliance powers slaughtered them enmasse post-defeat, they were for the 70 years since brow-beaten with this phantom of "the Nazis" inhumanity, and yet very little hard evidence for it exists!
And what were we left with post-war? debt, shock, and missing our best men, forever lost, for what?
We ended up, here and now, just like Weimar, degeneracy everywhere and bankrupt! While the entity with the stolen name Israel does this!
Increasingly hard for me to escape these conclusions.
If the boys on the beach at Omaha were shown what their society turns into in their lifetime they would’ve turned around and went home.
There was a journal written by a U.S. soldier that summed up the war perfectly
We clean our rifles,
We polish our shoes,
All to win this war,
For God damn Jews.
So let’s back it up. Imagine for a second that America lost the war, the Japanese blockades the west coast and lands paratroopers in the Rockies, cutting the Japanese internment camps off from supplies. The whole west coast is running out of food. Do you think those internment camp prisoners are getting food when the civilians can’t? What happens then? Starvation leads to weaken immune systems, makes them more susceptible to disease like typhoid.
The Japanese discover these camps and are outraged at the treatment of their people. For the next 80 years after the war they produce propaganda flicks to convince the American populace that they had inflicted the worst atrocity ever on them, and that’s why they should accept Japanese rule. Any criticism of the regime is anti-nippon and anyone who speaks out disappears. The people who suggest such things are debanked just to prove that the Japanese don’t own all the banks.
Anyways I think you get the point. You’re not allowed to criticize them and they use Nazism as white’s original sin so that whites aren’t allowed to be ethnocentric when Jews are rabidly ethnocentric. It turns out everyone in the world is ethnocentric (except for self hating white liberals, as if you needed any more convincing that it’s a mental condition.)
Guess what Iran, Iraq, Lybia, Nazi Germany and North Korea have in common? They wouldn’t bow to Rothschild owned banks and either nationalized them or didn’t accept them to begin with.
What a great excuse to ritually sacrifice Christians and make money while trying out their toys (newly installed central banks in all the major players).
I'm starting to think maybe "the Nazis" and all their crimes are nine-tenths just projections from the fever dreams of these psychos in (so-called) Israel. Consider who has control of media and history ever since "the Nazis", and consider that such behaviour has not once happened anywhere else, except where you have these psychos operating (Bolshevik Russia, Holodomor Ukraine, Mao's china. I remember the picture of the soldier at Abu Graib from the Iraq war pointing to his Shin Bet tattoo). It seems that this inhumanity belongs not to mythically cruel "the Nazis" but actually to these psychos, we call (erroneously) Jews, like they are followers of the father of Jesus?
Increasingly hard for me to escape these conclusions. You can also look at the other side, actually look at Germans themselves. Apart from what we are constantly told about "the Nazis" what remains is a highly cultured people of Europe famed for their work ethic and great and grand achievements in virtually all the arts of civilisation, science, architecture, music, art etc. Then you read about the Weimar period and the complaints of Hitler himself, I always remember the passage about him having rhetorically beaten in debate the proverbial tormentor Jew how the next moment he is "thunderstruck" that they have reverted back to the starting delusion as if the forgone debate had never occurred!
How were the Germans treated after the war? after the apparently zionist alliance powers slaughtered them enmasse post-defeat, they were for the 70 years since brow-beaten with this phantom of "the Nazis" inhumanity, and yet very little hard evidence for it exists!
And what were we left with post-war? debt, shock, and missing our best men, forever lost, for what?
We ended up, here and now, just like Weimar, degeneracy everywhere and bankrupt! While the entity with the stolen name Israel does this!
Increasingly hard for me to escape these conclusions.
If the boys on the beach at Omaha were shown what their society turns into in their lifetime they would’ve turned around and went home.
There was a journal written by a U.S. soldier that summed up the war perfectly
We clean our rifles, We polish our shoes, All to win this war, For God damn Jews.
So let’s back it up. Imagine for a second that America lost the war, the Japanese blockades the west coast and lands paratroopers in the Rockies, cutting the Japanese internment camps off from supplies. The whole west coast is running out of food. Do you think those internment camp prisoners are getting food when the civilians can’t? What happens then? Starvation leads to weaken immune systems, makes them more susceptible to disease like typhoid.
The Japanese discover these camps and are outraged at the treatment of their people. For the next 80 years after the war they produce propaganda flicks to convince the American populace that they had inflicted the worst atrocity ever on them, and that’s why they should accept Japanese rule. Any criticism of the regime is anti-nippon and anyone who speaks out disappears. The people who suggest such things are debanked just to prove that the Japanese don’t own all the banks.
Anyways I think you get the point. You’re not allowed to criticize them and they use Nazism as white’s original sin so that whites aren’t allowed to be ethnocentric when Jews are rabidly ethnocentric. It turns out everyone in the world is ethnocentric (except for self hating white liberals, as if you needed any more convincing that it’s a mental condition.)
Guess what Iran, Iraq, Lybia, Nazi Germany and North Korea have in common? They wouldn’t bow to Rothschild owned banks and either nationalized them or didn’t accept them to begin with.
Forget Omaha. I want to know how so many people got tricked into WWI.
What a great excuse to ritually sacrifice Christians and make money while trying out their toys (newly installed central banks in all the major players).
Yes. The purpose was obvious, but how did they deploy us? How did they get people to agree to go?