"I've done a second pass at my analysis to correct an error that I had made in the initial estimates and to provide improved accuracy. The new results place shots nine & ten 45 meters due East of the light pole. So, closer to the north barn, but definitely not on top of it. I expect to post an updated video in a day or two."
His pinned comment
"I've done a second pass at my analysis to correct an error that I had made in the initial estimates and to provide improved accuracy. The new results place shots nine & ten 45 meters due East of the light pole. So, closer to the north barn, but definitely not on top of it. I expect to post an updated video in a day or two."
Where would the second solution be located for the counter shots?
In a video he uploads, it looks like he hasn't done so yet or YouTube is blocking it.
Or someone else had him post that comment....
I am wondering if that was the error?
He picked the wrong solution?
I also wonder if reflection off the vertical wall behind crooks (window wall) played with the audio recorded at the podium.