182 Trump Campaign Hacked (www.politico.com) Q-Proof! posted 176 days ago by AmericaWillPrevail17 176 days ago by AmericaWillPrevail17 +182 / -0 We received internal Trump documents from "Robert". The campaign just confirmed it was hacked. The campaign suggested Iran was to blame. POLITICO has not independently verified the identity of the hacker or their motivation. 27 comments share 27 comments share save hide report block hide replies
When do you think it will be safe to buy merchandise from their campaign emails again?
There's a new one advertising a pin with Trump's mugshot.
Might be a good time to go buy one of the silver rounds with his mugshot or the rally pic and wait a bit on his site.
If they are truly hacked the site will be taken down by the WHs. If not, I'd say it's safe to purchase. The site that was supposedly hacked is most likely not the merchandise site.