She was also one of the first with the "VaNcE iS DeEP StAtE" narrative as soon as he was announced as VP. She's another Stew Peters type as far as I'm concerned.
Not wasting more time on the "Trump is Q+ and playing 5D chess but he's also at easily manipulated buffoon" nonsense that comes from some of you doompillers. Also Trump and Theil go back much further than Vance and Theil so where was your dooming back then?
No way! This is typical Trump is a dictator BS.
She was also one of the first with the "VaNcE iS DeEP StAtE" narrative as soon as he was announced as VP. She's another Stew Peters type as far as I'm concerned.
Not being wary of known evil people is silly.
Not wasting more time on the "Trump is Q+ and playing 5D chess but he's also at easily manipulated buffoon" nonsense that comes from some of you doompillers. Also Trump and Theil go back much further than Vance and Theil so where was your dooming back then?